Roshan thinks all other sports are neglected apart from Cricket ? Do you agree

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I too agree that apart from Cricket all other sports and games are neglected virtually in India without much sponsorship.  This set me thinking for a radical solution.

Vivekananda Rock Memorial, if guys recollect was built on Rupee 1donation of each and every Indian.  Such a national issue when Roshan wrote that Kabbadi teams room bills were not paid and therefore they were delayed for departure etc.  We will not have such a situation if men and women of incredible integrity head a national sports council such Abdul Kalam, Naryan Moorthy, etc, who can bring the change through the funds collected.  I am not in favour of begging the money rich BCCI or cricketers, which would be an insult to the entire nation.  If politicians cannot bring up other sports it has to be a honest effort of all Indians to promote talented people in other sports.  We cannot depend on Team Anna to raise this subject you all agree  

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To promote a thing, a talent in marketing strategy is needed. Like the brown diamonds mined abundantly in austraia, were sold at lowest rates and practically very less demands for it. Then they appointed John rappoport team for marketing them. They changed the name to champagne diamonds, and by mere change of name it fetched exorbitant prices and it became a craze. Likewise, planning attractive names etc. Giving rights to Lalit modi to make their games a success like the ipl, kabaddi teams etc. Stars & corporates buying the teams and all that fad.
I see that everything needs to be marketed. Extraction of their juices is the need of the hour
One unique idea cropped up. Though my idea's cost money or fetch money, for you umesh Ji , I give it free , They can make each ipl team owner to buy a kabaddi team too with the same brand name. Before each cricket ipl match, their kabaddi teams will fight each other which ever team's kabaddi team wins gets extra bonus points, etc. To make them into finals
They can do away toss system too, with allowing winner kabaddi ipl team to choose batting or fielding.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
All that other players need is world class facilities to train and practise. We need to provide them with the best coaches, give them access to latest equipments, be fair with them in selections, someone telling them about the diet.... We already have some brilliant players in all fields but some are rough diamonds. You need to polish them, thats all. Look at Tintu Luka, PT Usha has trained her and she is one of the medal prospects for India in the 800 meters... Look at Saina, hordes of boxers, shooters...
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The problem is no one is making any efforts towards all of what you say. We all know the solutions but we are not ready to provide for them... A sorry state of affairs..

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Please dont give Lalit Modi any sports to take care off... Look what he did to cricket, cricketers are ready to play the shitty, crappy, domestic IPL instead of representing their country...

DS, now see the name , money , the ravishing extra money cricketers are getting. 

from Mumbai
12 years ago
When money becomes more important than your country then sport is damaged...
DS, this doesn't mean one shouldn't strive for the better. It may have merits and demerits, but extra moneyis there, and this is my thinking, many would agree, new talent got it's chance to prove due to ipl & the extra practice by way of ipl lead us to win the world cup. One cannot under estimate that.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Pramod, pl highlight how to improve other sports and nurture talents outside cricket arena, we shall take up dicussion in some other topic, already guys are angry that too much attention is given to cricket in India Smile

alka narula
alka narula
from delhi
12 years ago

i too agree atleast in our country all sports are neglected xcept for cricket..maybe in some other countries too

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Buddy, Roshan, when you raise a serious ? mark, there should be some solutions too otherwise it will remain unresolved puzzle.  The govt has miserably failed in raising the standards of other sport.  Now virtually cricket is ruling the nation and can be de facto considered National game of India rather than De Jure.  Even though i am a past cricketer player myself i would like other sports to thrive.  In this context i suggested that it should be people s movement.  It is easy to cast aspersion on cricketers stating that they earning fancy amounts in endorsement rather than playing.  And further it is expectation that BCCI should contribute to other sport.  They can be charitable sometimes based on the discretion.  Otherwise expecting the board to contribute is no way.  Tax exemption for cricket that too test cricket should be allowed, one day and IPL is money spinner, it should be taxed.  

Coming to crux of the issue, non governmental agency should be involved in promoting sports, if it has popular involvement than it is ideal.  In that context only i suggested reputed names to be involved in promoting other sports.  Pramod has mentioned marketing, but without fund base and foucussed involvement,  it is difficult to market all other sports.


The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

S-O-R-C-E-R-E-R!!!!! Sorcy for short if you want to!!!



Cricket ruling the nation?? Are you serious? Not everyone watches cricket- and there's a sizeable population which does not watch cricket. I find cricket as a retarded game. Entire day flushed down the toilet to know who the winner is. That's mostly the reason why they introduced 20-20, to attract the other crowd. Private entities have no obligation to promote sports. Infact, they have no obligation. Governments do. Significant population doesn't vote and yet cry about the government-WAH!!! Football!!! Now that is what you call a sport!!! Hockey!!! That's a real sport. Moving people's asses and keeping an eye on the ball to hit their goal!! There ya go.



Saying "non government agency should be involved in promoting sports" Yeah well, you will usually get Lalit Modi types. Think about it, no1 will do social service here, even those former sports guys. They will convert sports as a sexy show. Its not that bad, atleast it will be noticed, stadium will get a crowd, government gets a cut, VIP get a free seat, soda wallahs can sell more sodas and people have something better to watch to and saas-bahu serials shut up for an entire season- everyone goes happy. Or legalize betting. Legalize betting= finding other sports for betting= small stakes= common people come and watch with interest to learn= bet= bigger players come= money pours in= more sensation= players get fame and fortune.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Sorcy can t make out head or tail regarding your solutions, i am totally confused by your reply.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I can remember Dhyan Chand, the magician and wizard of hockey. After India defeated Germany in the 1936 olympic final 8-1, Hitler offered Dhyan Chand post of Major and a residence in germany. But he refused, saying he could not leave India. Money was not important for him, it was his country that came first. This after the Indian players were so afraid, that Hitler might shoot them as they had heard that he was 2 monster...
from Mumbai
12 years ago
We were the masters of hockey, our players had amazing dribbling and passing abilities... But then with the advancement, astroturf surface replaced the grass fields... Now speed and agility and short passes became the necessity of Hockey... But we still dont have enough astroturf surfaces where young players can be groomed... I am sure if hockey is played on fields again, we will be masters again as our youngsters practise on it even today!!!
from mumbai
12 years ago

The World series hockey is going to start. Something on the lines of IPL. If everything goes well, it could mean more attention and revenue for Hockey as well.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yes abhi, a few years ago they had the premier hockey league as well (PHL)... That was before the IPL came, I watched it... It was a good concept.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I hope this world hockety series succeeds, there is some hype on it, but not as much as IPL.  

from mumbai
12 years ago

As expected, it has run into trouble with Hockey India trying to threaten players participating in it.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

A case of Divided we fall, united we excel.  Hockey has two association whereas cricket has only one and going strong year on year

from mumbai
12 years ago

yes, very well said, Umeshji

from mumbai
12 years ago

Australia has a good culture of promoting sports. They did very well in the commonwealth games last year. Also, cricket, which has not been on the top 10 sports in Australia, has been dominated by the aussies in different formats.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Australia is good in hockey, football and tennis.  Golf too is played with fervour along with rugby

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Plus 1 abhi... They have that sporting culture and that hard attitude...
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yeah, nice point! We should try and learn something from them...

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Our young players learnt sledging!!! We learn what we dont need and dont learn other positive things :P

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