Is it difficult to quit smoking?

How difficult is it to quit smoking? Can it really be done?

A friend of mine is badly into this vice. She has now started to show health symptoms of smoking.

As I myself have never smoked, I can't convincingly advise her on the best strategy to kick the habit. I wouldn't understand all that is involved in quitting smoking.

Have any of you quit smoking? How did you do it? How difficult was it? Can it really be done? These are the questions whose answers I am looking for in this thread.

If you have written about quitting smoking in your blogs, do post the link, so that I can forward them to my friend.

If you plan to write on quitting smoking, do remember this discussion and come back and post the link to your new article here.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
Healthy Living India
Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

Tell your friend to take heart. If controlled, even if she smokes, she can run 3 km a day (I know this personally). Warnie smokes non-stop and he's a star athelete.

What no one realises is that smoking a cigarette has certain effects that can be combatted by taking the right vitamins (ones that include folic acid). Vitamins should be part of even a "healthy" person's diet and most OTC multivitamins have folic acid in them. If you want to get a detailed study of what we found, check out Vitamins for Smokers.

If you live in Bombay or an equally polluted city then even if you don't smoke, you should follow this vitamin diet as through research, I found that one day breathing in Bombay is equivalent to 100 cigarettes a day.



Thank you Prashant for the link to Vitamins for Smokers.

Your blog is full of relevant health tips. Great work, buddy.

Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

No problem at all. Good Luck to your friend.

~ Prashant.

Hari Joshi
Hari Joshi
from Meerut
15 years ago

उसके लिए इच्‍छाशक्ति का होना जरूरी है। मैने सिगरेट, शराब, मांसाहार एक झटके में छोड़ दिया जबकि मैं चेन स्‍मोकर और डेली ड्रिंकर था। ...और अब छोड़े हुए भी जमाना हो गया। हां! साल-दोसाल में कभी सेवन कर भी लेता हूं क्‍योंकि कसम खाकर नहीं बल्कि स्‍वप्रेरणा से मैने सेवन बंद किया था।

सही कहा, मजबूत इच्छा शक्ति हो, तो सब कुछ संभव है।

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