Life is not one way traffic ? Agree or Disagree

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Give and take philosophy is the best or rather going dutch among friends.  Some of us may have experienced that we take interest in logging in comments in others blog but we don t receive the same at least 50% of the times.  Similarly in other life situations one gets to share travel, accomodation, food etc when you visit each other.  Sometimes one spends time and energy in advicing or physically guiding on purchases etc for construction of house etc all involving time and energy.  But when you dont get something in return in the form of recognition or gratitude than one is disappointed.  Some brush it off saying that we have done our duty or part, it is for others to realise. Debate

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Well said umesh Ji , life is like that only, one should understand it's nature, and move along. Revert comments one gets is just 10% but that 10%are quality ones, coming from eminent brains. When we have expectations and they ain't fulfilled one gets hyper, damaging himself, prima-facie. My philosophy is to have no expectations of any sort from your kids even and let the life roll on.
Umesh Ji 10/10 to you dude for thinking up new food for thought daily. Cheers
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks Pramod, the least return traffic is one can expect is from kith and kin.  It will be a big bonus even if one gets back 5% from the investment of time, money and energy.  Coming to friends and colleagues as you have mentioned even if we get 10% to 20% we are blessed.  

Kristy Kumari
Kristy Kumari
from Amritsar
12 years ago

You make a very good point. That's why I don't comment often. I find it quite disappointing to comment to someones blog thoughtfully and they never acknowledge I said anything. I never comment a one word comment, it's always a personal reply. I have even on occasion had my comment deleted (and there was nothing mean, degrading, rude, etc. in there). I now tend to only comment on blogs where I have had some interaction with the person first, whether on a forum or facebook, etc.

And not to be rude but (at least in the US) going Dutch means everyone does their fair share - work and costs are split evenly. I'm sure you meant it another way and that was very easy to figure out from the rest of your comments but thought I would throw that in just in case someone else doesn't understand when you say it.

Well said kristy Ji
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Shakesphere once said "I am never sad. I have no expectations of anyone" Expecting things from others make you unhappy as more often than not they will not be fulfilled...
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

It is human to expect and godly not to expect anything, in return. Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago

People do expect something when they give something. Yes, we can sure call it selfishness, but that's part of our nature... we are humans after all.

I personally dont think that is wrong but having said that we should not go about doing things expecting a return favor else our living would cease to have any quality or meaning. At the same time, we should also have the guts to take everything positively and in the right spirits so that we can continue moving forward in life.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
+1 Arti... Taking things as a positive critisism helps oneself
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Well said, thats the way it should be. We must not expect much from others... Or we just bring unhappiness in our lives, they remain oblivious to the situation.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Gandhiji once said God provides for the needs and not for greed.  Similarly we too spend quality time, money on energy on others expecting at least 20% if not 100% reciprocation.  Arti i agree with you that we have to move forward and not stuck in the past and rewind the tape :)

10/10, arti Ji, well said
indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

If we dont expect anything from others in return for our favours;then whatever little we get is very pleasing.On the other hand expectations can often be disappointing----therefore "neki kar, dariya men daal"

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Expectations is what makes u go beyond what u do today. It helps one to enhance him/herself to gain that expectations. However, dont feel dejected if its not met. Make 'em aware of ur expectations and many wud oblige.
It's a relative aspect I think. Like that of einstein's theory of relativity, Lesser the expectation, happier you are.
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Interesting topic Umesh. I am more aligned to the fact that do what you feel like, expecting or not, follow your heart to your content. if others dont reply the way you expect, take that positively as Arti said.. 

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hemal it is not only replies to our post, i am in general pointing out regarding our effort going unrecognised or not reciprocated.  Generally when you are a giver you are taken for granted.   Life teaches us to move on otherwise we will be saddled with negative thoughts, which will make our day to day life miserable

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
12 years ago

Practically speaking, I have learnt, some people are self centered completely and when we realize this attitude, no need to waste time further. These are some rare people. For others, I think people show gratitude of course. Sometimes it's not possible always for them, life becomes unpredictable and may be some people even can't keep any contact. In blogging world people are really very helping and true friends.

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