How you come to know of latest events in ur city?
Seriously how you people come to know about the latest events like contest, talks, seminars, conferences etc in ur locality. Is there any website specially dedicated for it.
I become aware, because recently in goa "goa think fest" was held, where very famous intelletuals came to give talks and i missed it, because i never came across any news of it. It was so near my house, feeling so sucky!
You can create an email alert for "Goa events" (or anything else you want) at
Simply go to google, search for "Goa events" (or whatever you want), click on "news", and at the bottom of the page is a hyperlink for "create an email alert for goa events".
In this way, I have created email alerts for "custody death" and "border patrol kills", which I receive on a weekly basis.