NO BAIL for 2 G Offenders ? Debate guys

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

A historic judgement was passed that Kanimozhi will not receive bail for 2 G offence committed being a women.  She has been a partner in crime and gained in the deals with A Raja.  It is only proving the point that justice is equal to all.   But eventually mark my words in within two or three months all will be freed on some pretext or technical point of view.  

But if a strong lesson has to be sent, such economic offences committed for amassing wealth needs seizure of property beyond known source of income or Income tax declared of the accused family and relatives.  This will send a strong signal to the politicians that corruption does not pay one will end up loosing all their ill gained wealth.  Politicians with perks are not underpaid they get a decent package compared to the corporate honcos nowerdays.  

The income tax department has already seized the assets of Hassan Khans asset.  I hope this would become a routine affair in case of corrupt politicians and officials.  What do you feel guys


Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I believe Jan 2012 will be the deadline for release of these white collar criminals from jail. Smile

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Politicians have been to jail in the past too. But not seen any final convictions and money recovery yet. All CBI, police, Income tax is controlled by government. So obviously they won't get themselves arrested. Only games will be played by different parties to dent the political strangth of their rivals by temporarily sending them to jail.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

So far it has been the trend, but with Hasan Khan's wealth being confiscated it might turn out to be game changer.  Only jailing these politicians for sometime to win brownie points is of no use the public and exchequer.  

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago
I would not read too much into it. Still the same politicians are ruling the country. And team Annaguys are being hounded and will be made to shut up so that there aren't these kind of movements in the future. Middle class can not hold a sustained battle. They need to get back to their day to day life and carry on with their jobs etc.
from goa
12 years ago

Finally getting some positive vibes from the legal system in India. But was not much surprised by the decision because the 2G scam probe is still going on and providing bail to the accused could project considerable threats to the ongoing investigations.

Umeshji i have to agree with you that aftersome time when this matter will cool down the accuse will be freed and the cases will go on for eternity. Also i don't think these politicians and corporates are treated like ordinary prisoners surely they musty be getting 5 star treatments in the jail. Hope they reflect upon their crimes and feel the pain the common man goes through everyday of his life.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Mayur, i believe jail term for these shameless politician will be only a mockery if 5 star treatment is meted out.  Some time back the accused were complaining that there were no proper potties, which obviously means that they were treated like general prisoners.  I hope there is a quick conviction and confiscation of their assets which will send the right signal to future offenders

Vishal Kataria
Vishal Kataria
from Thane
12 years ago
Justice should be delivered. Keeping them simply in jail in comfort and spending crores of taxpayers rupees for their comfort does not provide any solace. Niether does it strike fear in the hearts of any politicians. More concrete steps need to be taken.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Vishal, please do elaborate regarding the concrete steps to be taken against the offenders, that is what i want to know from the knowledgable bloggers. Smile

Vishal Kataria
Vishal Kataria
from Thane
12 years ago
Well, for one, justice has to be fast tracked. A division in the Supreme Court can be set up to take up cases of such magnitude on priority. The perpetrators of such crimes should not be provided with any special care like Yeddyyurappa was provided when he was jailed. Of course, the onus lies mainly on the government. The PMO has the power to curtail fiascos like the 2G scam and CWG, but God knows how many coffers have these scams filled and who are hand-in-glove with all these people. Madhu Koda, A. Raja, Suresh Kalmadi and others are simply puppets; the strings lie in the hands of others. That's why many of us have lost interest and faith in the government and the judicial system.
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The recent news that Satyam Scam perpetuators have been bailed out, and Yeddi too is on bail, public with short memory may forget them and who knows they may be back in action.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

My prediction is coming true all high profile are getting Bail except Raja who has not applied for the same

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