Indiblogger review on Alexa

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Guys i was surprised to go through the link posted by Rupam Das in Alexa, which mentions that Indiblogger sucks which i have replied in my counter review published. Pl go through my review furnished herein below, i hope fellow bloggers with agree with me :

Indi blogger site is the best forum in India for bloggers.  It is managed by a team of friends who have passionately developed this forum to integrate all bloggers.  The best part of the Indi blogger is that they organise frequent meets across India which makes it linking virtual world with realty.  

Pros :

1.  Avenue for participating in contests and win prizes

2.  Opportunity to meet other fellow bloggers once a while in your own city.

3.  Linking up with fellow bloggers in one's specific niche area for exampleTravel, Marketing, etc.

4.  Indi Talk helps in interacting with fellow bloggers online

5.  Back biting or stabbing  is the minimum in Indi blogger platform and fake profile.

Cons :1.  Contests can lead to doctored reviews if not regulated correctly.

2.  Profile photos are linked through Gravatar.

3.  Ranking may disappoint many bloggers.

4.  Begging for votes or review is minimised, because of self moderationteam.

I am a member in almost 10 forums and i would rate Indi blogger as the best forum to be associated in India and abroad.  Sponsorers enjoy the no frills meet more than the bloggers i suppose that to conducted on Sunday Noon, i only hope it is conducted in the morning session from 9 to 1 pm.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

This was the exact review of Indiblogger by some casual user

Facebook User (Casual Visitor) 

  • Hard to navigate
  • Poor customer support
  • Site is slow and unresponsive

Comments: The bloggers which live there beg votes for their posts. They are not IndiBloggers but IndiBeggars and the IndiRank is worthless. Enough said.


Rupam Das
Rupam Das
from Gulbarga
12 years ago
As far as my eyes can see, indie team is dedicated, with vision, sincere, immaculate zeal, free resoucrceful platform, for dedicated bloggers. Those who term begging as a sinister thing and condemn it, seem like people of either two categories, 1) they like to beg before god only & wife ofcourse. 2) those with power & snatching quality like Rawan, It's very easy to give and call names.

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