Google Should Put Blogspot To Sleep..

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago


I hate blogspot, for its racist tool word verification.. my poets angst.. my pain...and as Google Buzz is being eased out the same should be done for Blogspot all existiong posts  added to our Google+profile..

Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Descending
Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thank you Ramakant my grouse with Blogspot is personal in nature I had two blogs on Blogspot 2005 and 2006 I deleted them both , and now I have  three more blogs and two of my grand daughters , the one I had connected withIndi Blogger and than removed was Firoze Shakir. because after every 15 blogs I have to face Word Verifcation that pisses me off..I type with one finger so I placed Flickr as my website on Indibloggers .. which Renie does not really consider as a blog site.. but all my blogs originate at over 200000..


I moved out of Fccebook and I was one of the first guys after the geeks and after Mohan Nellore to get a Google+invite  I link my blogs here from Flickr.. and so far so good , i awalys knew Buzz was going to die it was bad application snoring on Gmail..


On Google+I am unconfortable with people adding me to  their circles I ignore all requests if there is no profile or mutual subject photography blogging poetry in common..


Any way thanks for the response wish you a very happy Diwali at Indi Blogger there is hardly any person commenting unless they are from the same coterie or group.. I am an amoeba .. blogging  my views ...


from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I'm all for abolishing the word verification part of blogspot, rather than the blogspot as a whole :) I hate that part of the blogging comments system esp. and if it weren't for some spam that comes up quite often, I'd not even have moderation on my blog post comments!


I've been in Blogger a long time now, and I agree with Ramakant that G+ isn't going to replace Blogger any time soon... Buzz, that was expected. Hardly used it.. It wasn't gonna eliminate Twitter as an option anywyas! :D

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Actually, it may be a better option to have the comment moderation on and the word verification off if you are expecting spam comments. As of now, my blog hasn't attracted any spam. So I haven't opted for any of these, but in case I need to opt for something, it will be comment moderation. In some browsers, word verifications doesn't show properly and would prevent some of the readers from commenting.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I know! Esp it affects comments from mobile I feel! In my blog, moderation is on, word verif is off.. :)

from Bangalore
12 years ago

My mistake. I somehow misread your first comment. I was under the impression you had moderation off and word verification enabled. Apologies.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago
I also read somewhere that lot of people hate word verification. So I disabled that and enabled comment moderation instead on my blog.
Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Actually my Blogspot problem has nothing to do with comments I have totally turned off comments disabled it , I am a prolific photo  blogger , I  used to crossblog my stuff fom Flickr toBlogspot but after I have posted a number of blogs ..I get a reprimand  ..

Blogger says that this blog has been rate-limited. Please try again later.


Which means I have to manually post my stuff and after every blog undergo Word Verification , I type with a single gfinger of a damaged hand it is utterly impossible , I would have never been able to show you pictures of the Indi Meet at Mumbai, it was made easyy by posting the entire lot at where I have a Pro account..

I reach out to all of you and thank you for all the comments on this thread and wish you a Happy New Year ..So my Word Verification is different from what yours is via Comments ..

Even at Google+the nyumber of spammers is more than serious bloggers  simply because theur agenda is different from yours and mine , they need to sell ther products and we have in our case our world we showcase through pictures text or poetry, I am not a tech blog, I dont know anything about blog technique  but I manage ..


My reason for jining Indiblogger is the humility of Renie Ranvin , I met him I found him an excellent human being and the few bloggers I met personally I found this a great community.. I have no issue no pride vanirtty, I dont sell my blogs my text or my pictures ..

I shoot a world nobody would ever wants to shoot  I walk barefeet climb mountains to show the pain of the hijra I walk on fire I cut my head to show you the pain of the Shia I walk barfeet with Jesus Christ every year in the hot blazing tar road to show you the 14 stations of the cross I shoot Hinduism , as a Hindu, lose my own religious identity.. yes I am a blogger and my testimony is 200000 images showing India as it is at hope humanity..


This was important to tell you , specially those that dont know me.. THanks once again.. Socc too.


umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Blogspot is one of the best things to happen in Blogsphere Mr Firoze, they are providing FOC ( free of cost 0 platform to millions of bloggers which is a real blessing in disguise. Of course it is upto to the blogger in case one is able to commercially exploit than he can proceed to link up a domain provider. I feel only word verification is a real pain, which can be deactivated. It is better to have limited blogs, when one goes overboard than it is difficult to do justice.
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Blogspot is one of the best things to happen in Blogsphere Mr Firoze, they are providing FOC ( free of cost 0 platform to millions of bloggers which is a real blessing in disguise. Of course it is upto to the blogger in case one is able to commercially exploit than he can proceed to link up a domain provider. I feel only word verification is a real pain, which can be deactivated. It is better to have limited blogs, when one goes overboard than it is difficult to do justice.
Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I dont know how to deactivate it, I tried I sent messages through Blogger Help, I am not denying that Blogger platform, just that changes should be bought in sooner or later , do you know they just changed the interface after so many years ,I have been using blogger since 2005 ...and their only agenda is to smash the face of Facebook bury Marc as soon as possible , that is why they fall into their own trap be it Google Wave Google Buzz and now Google+, I am promoting Google+because I need a Facebook like home and Google+ is my new home , not at all like Facebook but it needs support and I and others like me are taking a break from Facebook,.. till Marc comes out with better stuff sorts out Privacy issues ..Leaving Facebook without informing my friends  was not easy , but I did it..


When I posted my Flickr links at Facebook for public my visitors at Flickr were 25000 a day, now after leaving Facebook it fell to 18000 to 20000 so Facebook is a powrful search engine like tool..the curse was all my pics were dowloaded .. I could not beat the system and I Hate Picassa more than anything in the World.. in terms of photo management but than one needs geneorius funds to keep the Flickr Pro account alive ..unless I posthsmously get a free account  for service rendered to people in general at


Thanks Umesh you always talk sense and it is great keep in touch with you through this forum.. I am 58 years old I learn from all of you I came late on the internet scene I blog with a single finger .. The Internet for my wife is a greater curse thn the Other Woman..



umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Firoze, flickr gives 200 photos limit free, and the pro account should have foolproof platform, one should not be able to download photos, it is strange even after paying up one ends up with loss of their photos to downloads.  Why should one go for such an account.  Infact Picasaweb album offers 1 GB free storage and they even compress your old photos.  More than 500 photos i have stored in Picasa, which is linked to blogspot.  I have space for 1000 more photos, it means that we are able to blog and post our photos, if they integrate with Google plus it will be gr8.  Google is 10 times bigger platform than yahoo, who are connected with Flikr.  I would any days trust google. Smile

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Downloading stealing of my pictures took place only at Facebook, I dont use water marks at all, at Flickr we have a spaceball that restricts downloading of our pictures it is not fool proof..but once you put your godies on the internet than you suffer the consesquences , I shoot Raw .. and JPEG so my file size is huge, I am happy with Flickr, because I have got used to Flickr, 4 years now , bought i hope Flickr too brings in change it has you can open a Flickr account with Facebook or Gmail..

Google+ is a break from Facebook , a sabbatical enforced on myself..I shot the Dadar bomb blast and pasted the pictures the same night but if I had a laptop I could have posted it from the venue , things will take time ,, I am a actually a photo journalist blog .. without any sponsorship or backing I shoot alone I shoot when it is viable .. or when it is close to home ..

I am a self enrepreuner small time so it is possible to move out and shoot  when I want to shoot if I was jobbing it would not have been possible even to shoot the Indi Blogger meet in Mumbai..


Take care we all have our choices what you like is ideal for you , Picassa I dont like and I have a few albums there but all my stuff is at Flickr in sets collections .. Yahoo and Google are both giants .. trying to crush Mrc Zuckerburg..

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