Are you utilizing social networks effectively to drive traffic to your site?
Are you utilizing social networks effectively to drive traffic to your site? If yes, how?
If not, why not? lol
Why did you provide me with that link? That was an auto posting tool.
well there is a difference between autoposting and using autoupdates with twitterfeed.
That's OK. Do you mean to say that using autoupdates is an effective way of using social networks?
Wouldn't it be better if we post updates manually using the same creativity that was used to craft our blog posts?
if you have the time to do that manually go ahead, but same thing can happen almost instantly as you post
What you say is also true. Whenever we have time, it is better to update manually and at other times we may turn those auto updating feature on.
I'm using social networks, but they have been quite unhelpful. Truthfully though, just posting my links is pointless. I guess things could get better if I created a page and had some activity there besides posting links to latest posts.
i am getting quite an amount of traffic from twitter, facebook and myspace, not to forget G+
Social network does not promote much according to my experience, very rarely people tend to even acknowledge with a like on FB or reply in twitter.
would rather worry about people comming and reading than blindly clicking the Like button. a decent tracker serves good for that to know. some of my posts have been retweeted without me knowing about it, at times it just goes viral.
Please confirm me whether post content via twiter feed daily is valid by twitter and facebook as per guidlines
If I understood your question correctly then the answer is that EVERYTHING is valid on twitter and FB.