When top posts become latest posts

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Look at your profile page (It doesn't matter even if it is mine) to know what I am speaking about. Smile

Screenshot here in case IB fixes it quickly

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: edit
Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Mumbai
12 years ago

IB is taking some tips from Google Blogger in behavioural patterns :P

On a serious note though, may be It is up to some experimentation and test coding while implementing some new features or bettering the existing ones..

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

It's not a bug - we're trying out a suggestion by an IndiBlogger! Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
That was a super quick reply Renie:)
from hyderabad
12 years ago

That's a great thing. So, we can in the feature see both top posts and latest posts on a user's profile. That's going to be great.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
That was quickie!

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