Indi Bloggers Meet Sea Princess Hotel 2010 Revisited

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago


For those who missed this gala event my first Indi Blogger meet where I met the cream of Indi Bloggers and Deepak Magic Eye for the first time, he introduced me to Flickr from Fotothing and though we live in Bandra we had never met at all..Deepak is one of the finest bloggers a great photographer .. I met Mohan Nellore and so many others I met Renie Ranvin the God Of Blogs..So I thought of taking you all back in time .. I am not yet the official IndiBlogger media photographer but Renie might give it a thought ..

I am a street photographer street barefeet beggar poet .. of Mumbai


Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Good to go through the photolink of Indi meet 2010 in mumbai.  Sea princess hotel is famous joint for bollywood actors to get together in the past, i am sure you all would have come across some famous personality over there.  NostalgicSmile

Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks Umesh.. I am a product of Bollywood.. I am a high rated Darzi.. but as good with the scissor as I am with my tongue and the Camera

My Bollywood Link..


umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Good to know Firoze you have bollywood connections too, my hunch was right i suppose.  I went through the photographs of your bollywood link.  I nearly missed visiting Chote Miya i mean Govinda at his Juhu residence near Iskon. Smile

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hi Umesh I have worked with actors of the South too, Mr Rajnikanth , Vishnu Vardhanji , Harish,Mohan Babu Ambrish to name a few, I am a hobbyist photographer and a incorrigibleblogger ,,I was in Bangalore too I worked with Mr Robert Denison of Bangalore Management Academy..


I shot a bit of Bangalore when I was there official work.. great peaceful city nice hospitable down to earth people.. thanks I dont know why the reply section cant be edited .. its crazy..

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

It is good to know that you were in Sandalwood too, gr8 that you were associated with Ambarish.  Next meet in Bangalore try to make it if possible Smile

Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks Umesh, but it is sheer impossible , I am stuck in Mumbai, guess that is why I end up shooting my immediae environment and the garbage around me , I think I must be the only guy who shoots garbage as garbage porn..I dont think even in the near future I will be able to move out as I am taking a few decisions in life that will change the course of my lifes journey and my destiny too..blogging is a hate word in my family you dont have to ask why..indi mail me your no we will talk one day .. take care thanks for your support and all. I was not much of a forum bug.. ever here or elsewhere nor am I into chat..



Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago



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