My Flickr Collection on Both Indi Blogger Meets I Have Attended

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago


These are two sets of both the Indi Blogger meets I have attended and shot  at Sea Princess last year and the latest one Master Chef India 2 Indi Blogger Meet RK Studios shot last evening..

This is a documentary a story board of memories I share with all of you to inspire you to attend such meets , bond and meet some great bloggers ,names that are real people..and on the whole Indi Bloggers is a band of humble soldiers of God and Humanity holistically healing the world with words and pictures ..


Thank You Renie Ranvin God of Blogs for this powerrful platform..and the Indi Blogger Team at Worli in a Big Boss House of Doves and a few  culture vultures .,.

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: minor glitch
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