Share ur thoughts, flickr streams or picasas #MasterChefIndia2
After exactly a year and two months later, IndiBlogger came upshore to Magic city, Bombay aka Mumbai. And how! I was wondering how the event will be, skeptical a bit abt the proceedings... All my worries vanished the moment i stepped into the amazing Master Chef studio at RK Studios.
IndiBlogger meet for me is a brotherhood (via InDictionary, IndiBrotherhood!) where a "am nothing" from Mumbai gets to see, greet n meet (lovely ladies :P) the real faces behind the fictional profile pics of many! A few people with whom am interacting for more than two years now but never met face to face (kushi & animesh, theSoc, Neha n few others) aft meeting them all it was a happy happy "me"... however I am not happy that some people could not manage to reach at the event coz of other commitments and I really wished if they could have turned up!
Meeting new people and making friends is my hobby and this meet didnt disappoint at all... So after a thriling meet, we all headed home completely chilled and relaxed, some surprized some going bonkers at the end of it all, what an experience! Lets share our pictures n thoughts together on this one thread!
Reason: formatting
all the pictures I shot as a story board of memories to share with all of you are at my set.. the link below .. thank you Hemnal Shah..I shot over 500 pictures so far I have posted over 279.. since last night.. thanks Indi Bloggers Renie and his Team..
Hemal sorry about spelling your namewrong.. this picture is titled
The Wizards of Indibloggers With The Master Chef
The Sorcerer and the Barefeet Blogger of Mumbai
Firozeji amazing pictures, relived every moment. Thank you!
Here is my take of my experience:
(please ignore the obvious typo in the link )
Beautifully conveyed I read your blog ...take care Thanks Gauriji..
Good coverage of Indiblogger meet
The Highlights in Humility and Gratitude..
I posted 497 pictures of this meet at my Flick set.. Thank You All..
Do Bloggers Sleep Yes Poets Dont...
Thank you Firoze for that tag! :D :D
I had a really fun time too! Was great to meet you all!
Hey Fatima, welcome to the Forum :) and thank you very much for being with all of us!! it was indeed fun meeting you :)
Fatima firstly thanks for the lift.. I really needed to get home and as soon as you dropped me a guy on a bike gave me lift right up to my keep in touch it was great bonding with all of you my regards to Nabeel and your family..this forum is a nice place to chill and relax.. you dont pay entertainment tax..a single sorcerer a lot of hacks..the forum a cybernetic cinemax..
this forum is a nice place to chill and relax..
you dont pay entertainment tax..
a single sorcerer a lot of hacks..
the forum a cybernetic cinemax..
Firoze sahab, you rock!! very true and very nicely put... :)
hi fatims dont know how to get in touch with you my gand dad wants to give you your pics of masterchef meet just Indi mail your email to him.. bye god day
Nerjis Asif Shakir
3 month old
Nice to see your photos guys....:).
Mohini!!! You are back! Pls dont run away now...
How are you doing?
Hi Pramodji, Hemal and DS. Sorry for late, was involved somewhere......I mean debate. Now free!...I come generally, but don't take part if don't have anything to contribute. Was sad a bit missed the meet! but hope to meet you all some day.......:)
great to see you back, cheers.
hey dear, its really good to see you back! be active, i dont know how to make you feel like contributing here..
Mohini, I dont know if our paths will ever cross though I sincerely wish it does someday... but till then, we can always meet at the forum, hai na? Stick around dear, the forum needs your warmth, your friends miss your love...
my grand pa
taught me to shoot
he blindfolded me
a the camera in my hand
i saw his world
my roots humanity
i salute
so cute!!
I salute your grandpa too.. Terrific coverage of the event, certainly the next best thing to be actually there, present in person... Thank you Firoze Sir...
Thank you all Indi Bloggers Arti Don Hemal Badman Ds Umesh Fatima Soccerer and all all forum geeks the strong the despirted the weak the engry ones and the meek.. on behalf of my grand father I speak..3 month old into this I forum I sneaked all of you one day I too want to a blogger street photographer so to speak..renie ranvin my god father .i peck him on his cheek..skepticity soundless no sleep..
Hey sorry just saw this! my e-mail address is Pls feel free to e-mail me anytime!!
Thanks so much all!