Virtual or internet relationship ? Future

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

i believe as we keep getting more and more involved in blogging and inter acting with other fellow bloggers, some may extend into the realm of closer inter relationship.  This photo says it all, courtsey FB Friend

Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

from hyderabad
12 years ago

What was that image?

from Sharjah
12 years ago
as we drift away from direct interactions, we will resort and find solance in virtual relationships....think abt it, what is the relationship between meera and krishna in our mythology? its kind of a virtual reality isnt it? take is why not? to solidify a relationship a contact will be necessary but i have noticed that from far people are more interesting becoz its upto them to reveal what they u will only see what is being shown...i think everyone is aware of that...and that is okay too.. what i feel is as long as people are seeking out each other, it shows a need to connect and that cant be all that bad...each one to themselves...why judge which is better?
from hyderabad
12 years ago

It is true that we are getting more and more involved in blogging. But that does not necessarily mean that real life interactions are decreasing. While some of our needs can be fulfilled only by online friends and fellow bloggers , a few others can be fulfilled only by real people whom we really know. When one needs to share something with the whole world, the first thing that comes to his mind would be his blog and his blogging friends. At the same time, when one needs someone to console him in hard times, one can't expect him to share that sorrow with the computer before him. He is sure to look into the real world. It all depends on the situation and both of them run parallely in harmony with each other.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

I wonder why the printer is connected to two laptops and how it be done! Smile

Vishal Kataria
Vishal Kataria
from Thane
12 years ago
Ranjith, the laptops may be doing what humans do right now to produce a baby. So the printer provides the output of the 2 laptops connected via. LAN... :P
from Mumbai
12 years ago
The day is not far away when little kids will their parents "You gave me a name, but where is the password??" :-P
Vishal Kataria
from Thane
12 years ago

We should have a +1 option for posts like on Youtube.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Generally parents like to lock password Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
@ Vishal Thanks:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
@ Umesh Haha :) Yes...
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Lol, good one!
from goa
12 years ago

The virtual things also play a very important role in our life, atleast mine. I have lots of international friends with whom i have been in contact for some time now. Friends from countries like taiwan, korea, netherlands etc without internet i don't think i would have ever come to know them.

Don't take me in a wrong way, when i say that i have different interests from my friends near me like programming , gaming,  Sci-fi etc. Here online communities help me very much. I am happy that i spend more time online mingling with people with the same interest as that of mine.

Frankly i don't like social networking sites like Facebook. People waste too much time on it then necceassary. It would be ok if they got something productive out of it but no it is always that senseless gossips, stupid love qoutes or spams. I really wish Anonymous takes it down or google+ overtakes it and then finally it too sinks. LOL

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