How to invite bloggers/writers to review our SaaS product?

from Bangalore
13 years ago

We are in private beta & in another couple of months will release open beta of our SaaS SEO platform. We are one of the first entrant from Asia and competing with SEOMoz, HubSpot and Ginza. Our site

Being bootstrapped & early stage start-up its difficult to create buzz using professional PR's. 

Any tips/suggestions on how to invite bloggers to write about our product/website.

How to identify paid reviewers? Any forums for the same.

Can we find same in indiblogger?

Any pointers are appreciated.

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from Bangalore
13 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion.

We are already covered by Penn-Olson, Pluggd, BuzzOm, Outlook Money & few more.

Coming weeks we might get into YourStory, TechHunger..

All those are more of news/start-up coverage sites.

Now looking for SEO/Web design & related blogs. Wrote mail to several of them, but sadly no one replied.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
13 years ago

There's this group called Media Movements in facebook. Basically that's where lot of media guys, PRs, marketing, journalists from all forms of media and bloggers are there- well most of them anyways. Or else you can refer to this list.

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Thanks Sorcerer..

List is really helpful

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