Invitation for guest blogging

from Allahabad
12 years ago


I have been thinking to invite some guest author to write on my blog. The blog is about Computer, Internet and Technology.

The blog has following stats:

  1. Blog URL:
  2. Topics: Computer, Internet, Linux, Windows, Technology
  3. Blogging since: 29 Sep 2010
  4. Visits: 463843 that would be approx 1260 per day

What will you get in return:

  1. The post will contain your name
  2. Your orginal blog link will be shared in the post
  3. Your blog will be mentioned in the blogroll
  4. Your blog will be advertised (in the side bar widget) for 2 weeks
  5. Your Facebook Page (if any) will be shared on ComputerAndYou fan page

What should you write about:

  1. Well, basically anything related to Computers, Technology, Internet etc
  2. The containt should NOT be a straight copy paste of some other article on the web
  3. You can submit an old post from your own blog (it will be posted if approved :P)

Any other questions are welcomed.

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