Google plus one

from chennai
12 years ago

When we like a post,we are promoting by voting the post in indiblogger.Additionally if we promote that post in the published page itself  by clicking plus one ,wont it be nice?

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yashika, it would definitely be nice, I agree.. but it would be excellent if we were just happy and content with what we are getting instead of asking for more, dont you think?
from Mumbai
12 years ago

No Arti, please allow me to disagree. I don't see any harm in this demand rather its useful. Why should we be happy with just what has ben given? We can always ask for more Cool

from hyderabad
12 years ago

OK Then +1 all my pages. I do it for you in my next life. :-)

from chennai
12 years ago

Maximum utilisation of oppurtunities is what i mean.we are not ordering or demanding others to recommend the post.when we like the content of the post ,we are promoting the post inside the the good  information reaches people inside indiblogger.

what i want to mention is...Additionally if we start recommending the post by plus one..Good content may reach more people is my point.

second when a utility is given,we must start using it know?for what purpose it is introduced ?

in  google plus one account  - how to for circles then?

so Arthi its not matter of happiness r sadness..just maximum utilisation and trying to spread gud content ..remember not at demand only if they desire.


from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Ranjith, I already replied somewhere in this thread that I don't support such kind of exchanges. And I don't think that someone is asking for a favor from someone to "+1" even if post is not good. The demand is to have an easy to access button so that IF SOMEONE LIKES the post, can "+1" it directly from the blog. Hope I am clear

from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Yashika I understand what you mean, and it's a nice thought but we cant tell/explain these things to people at large.

The point is everyone knows about it in the blogging world, and if they really think we deserve it, they will do it.. On my part, I believe some things need to be accepted as they are, people are promoting in Indivine, some are commenting too, I am happy!

Although I would love people to '+1' my posts as well besides the regular Indivine promotions, but I respect my readers and their intelligence and leave this decision of 'plus 1ing' my post or not entirely on their wish..

@ Animesh, Yashika One question, I wud like to ask - Are you people doing this?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Doing what Arti?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Promoting In indivine and plus oneing the post simultaneously.

from chennai
12 years ago

all bloggers know everything like that we cant assume 2-3 months i m using indiblogger,now only posting a topic r checking rank status i can browse easily..even today instead of replying u i replied to this topic.

 as a newbie initially i dont know to promote d post in indiblogger itself.i use to read by pressing read button.later only i understood after logging in ,we hve to read the post.

i used to read topics discussed here.frm tht only i learned about alexa rank etc.

like me many new bloggers r ppl who r not aware may learn.

as u said everyone may know everytihng,but to do it a initial encouragement is needed.

think no one is promoting post in indiblogger.In such situation, new bloggers visiting d site will promote the post?

as a newbie,i got encourage to read r promote d post by seeing bloggers like u only.





















































































































































































































































































































































































from chennai
12 years ago

Maximum utilisation of oppurtunities is what i mean.we are not ordering or demanding others to recommend the post.when we like the content of the post ,we are promoting the post inside the the good  information reaches people inside indiblogger.

what i want to mention is...Additionally if we start recommending the post by plus one..Good content may reach more people is my point.

second when a utility is given,we must start using it know?for what purpose it is introduced ?

in  google plus one account  - how to for circles then?

so Arthi its not matter of happiness r sadness..just maximum utilisation and trying to spread gud content ..remember not at demand only if they desire.

D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago

Yes Yashika , I agree with you totally giving +1 can make your post reach wider than voting for it on indiblogger

from chennai
12 years ago

hi Ranjith,u do for me and i do it for u.Its nice.But it wont succeed for longtime.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

hehe, Ranjith was just kidding :)

from hyderabad
12 years ago

I must have used my original trademark smile  Smile

from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Plus 1 is the best way to promote the things you like. but it doesn't mean to start recommending people for plus 1. Is should be leaved to users thinking.

from Bangalore
12 years ago

I have removed Google +1 from my site as it exponentially slows down the load time. I will think about integrating it with my blog once the performance issues are addressed by Google.

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