Biggest Indiblogger Meet @ Chennai ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The meet is touted to be biggest one, with more than 300 bloggers expected to attend.  This meet is to be held on 9th October 2011.  I am happy this time around there is no contest or agenda announced so far, instead i hope the bloggers can get to test drive this vehicle at the venue.  My suggestion to Indiblogger team if at all if they want any contest that will not cause heartburn and dis satisfaction by participants.  Have genuine reviews after test drive, second have posing with Tata vehicle ( i mean shoot pictures with Tata Grande contest ) or finally best road trip contest.  This will set an ethical standard to the contests conducted by Indiblogger.  What do you say guys ? DebateSmile

Edited 12 years ago
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my standing is thus: for larger participation, the word reviews, etc. should not be employed.

just written creativity, imaginations, dreams, likings, etc. should be used for contests.

one can give surprise lucky gift draws for attendee's of the meet ,then and there, by lucky draw in front of them. lucky one gets his take immediatly. 

management can think of one slot for lucky writer too on a random lucky pic basis, not on any creativity. just pure luck. so no one can argue later.


from Mumbai
12 years ago
Lucky winner is good idea... but then I feel how about increasing the number of winners based on pure writing skills!!! No luck involved...
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Also I feel that whenever contest winners are decided on Indiblogger, the organisers (sponsers and Indiblogger) must give out reasons why they choose the particular winners, in 2-3 lines... That will make things clearer... Also they can give 3-5 posts which just missed out, again giving reasons why they missed out... Giving motivation to a few members...
from Mumbai
12 years ago
What are your views Umesh ji and Pramod ji?? And others too, share your thoughts:)
DS, I think giving reasons etc. Is not feasible and should not be thought of even. Because , then again Writers will start giving extra reasons why there post is better & another imbroglio may start up. Yes , increasing prizes would be good idea. Lucky prize slot will do away with any partiality issues.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

All contest should be ethical, transperant and without prejudice.  I personally feel two or three criteria can be laid down depending on the sponsorer.  Voting, Word limit, Pictures, and finally quality and relevance of post.  Lucky winners is a great idea.Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
But there must be some reason for choosing a particular winner... Example - Great pics, Good grammer, Good depth and understanding of Topic, etc... People will not be able to point fingers if reason is given...
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Agree with Umesh Ji completely... If they suggest what they are looking for in the winning entries at the start then obviously the winners must be choosen on the same basis...
from hyderabad
12 years ago

That was a good suggestion. The sponsorers should not force us to review their products. Instead they can select a phrase that is related to the product they wish to promote and ask us to weave a story around it as Dell and hp have done.


from hyderabad
12 years ago

I wish I was a lucky person...... :-)

from hyderabad
12 years ago

@ Ds That is a brilliant idea and with those explanations, topics like this one can be avoided.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
How should contests winners be judged, I guess this one makes for a very interesting topic :-)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Why all the meets in Southern India only??
Because , headoffice is there. One can plan a meet, but someone has to communicate with people to arrange that.
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Booze is expensive in the reast of the country :P

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Basically the level of participation is very important for meets a minimum bench strength of 150 plus should be present, this may be one issue, secondly depends on the sponsorers, because each meet will cost around Rs 2 lakhs including prizes.  I feel high time that Mumbai holds one meet.  Please co-ordinate with Vineet Rajan.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Nah, Indiblogger doesn't wants to come to Mumbai people ranted about keeping a meet on a dry day and this another guy said that the meet in Hotel Sea princess was a sausage fest.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I believe Booze should not be prime criteria for the meet.  I believe bloggers meet with high team or lunch is suffice.  Since most of the meets are sponsored by the companies we don t wanna get into controversy that so and so companies have bought over bloggers by providing booze.  I attended one of the first meet where ITC hotel offered unlimited beer and snacks at Rs 550/- i did not participate since drinking and driving is a big offense.


The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

oooh. I don't drink. Nor I smoke. Alcohol is primarily a cleansing agent I don't understand why people gulp it down like cake juice!But seriously, we need a meet in Mumbai. Even if its a Mumbai blogger meetup thing, its all good.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I am The Sorcerer. I always call myself as that since 12 years of age. I am more familiar with this compared to my real name ;)Seriously, how hard can it be? I thought you can create one of those event thingies in facebook where people can selecting Yes/No/Maybe to attend an event. One can use that as an interest Check for Mumbai Meet. Maybe even fly-in few forum regulars to mumbai for a day.

Lighthouse Insights
from Pune
12 years ago

Can we have in Pune too ;)


umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Either meet at Mumbai or Pune for western regionSmile

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Anyone for Eastern India? :-)

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

What i heard is that 3 companies are in Q for sponsoring mumbai meet according to reliable source, but the issue is number of participants and other reasons.  I believe guys like Deepak, Deepesh Shah ( DS ) Soc ( i don t know his real name ) Arti, Mohini, Animesh Mishra etc should start canvassing and co-ordinating with Vineet Rajan, i am sure there can be a wonderful meet happening round the corner.Smile  There are excellent venues too in Mumbai.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Look up. Posted on wrong thingy.See this is why Vbulletin is much better off.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Soc, the picture of Vineet grazing is uploaded for you to co-ordinate for Mumbai MeetSmile

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

LMAO! This takes the sentence I mentioned once "your fate as a blogger is worse than a poster glued on the wall.Very very VERY literally :P

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

How about contest such as  Modelling with Tata Grande, Test drive Tata, and win fully paid Trip with Tata Smile

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
12 years ago

Just a few observations:

1. Not every blogger can make it to Chennai... so why not arrange large-screen online participation in a few metro towns?

2. Bloggers wanting to get away from a blogging competition and opting for the 'lucky dip' option doesn't sound very healthy.

3. Competitiveness amongst bloggers must always be encouraged and preferred... therefore, even the Tatas can initiate one where the typical travel writer or the conventional automobile blogger isn't the only one to jump with joy.

4. Bloggers must always crave for more and more blogging challenges... and must also try to open themselves to a varied genre of writing. For instance, I would really want the Samsung Tab participants or a finance blogger like the now famous Navin Bajaj to also try writing about Qvendo... got it?

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Smile1.  Suggestion to take it live on Facebook platform or the Forum platform of Indiblogger has already been put forward to Team Indiblogger Smile  Large screen online is next logical step.

2.  I believe lucky dip should be from among the participants in a contest, as it is lot of suprise prizes are given away for attending the meets, courtsey sponsorer, i got a Samsung pullover for wearing specs.

3.  Tata Motors would definitely associate with driving, travel experience, etc, i don t think they can afford to ignore their prime customer base.

4.  Blogger has to be versatile it is obvious


Mr. Arvind Ji , your ideas are simply breathtaking, eloquent , and really wonderful. Point no2, raised is of special importance and you have correctly cited that it's unhealthy for competitions, I agree with you on this. My take was a little selfish, I agree, I just got carried away. We poor souls, who cannot write so imminently like your kind self should understand their place.  I am sorry to have voiced a lucky prize option. I just hoped , This would prompt more and more participation from low end writers like me too, because we can also gain something by sheer luck , sometimes. As of now, cake is all yours. Enjoy every bit. 
Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
12 years ago

Never meant to hurt any sentiments, please. It really pleases me to come in contact with people who are so passionate about blogging.

I was just sharing my observations as going to Chennai is only a remote possibility as things stand today, though I registered for the meet. This is the reason why I wished for the participation spectrum to get broader.

Prizes do make one happy and I am no exception... however, a lack of them have never pushed me to stop blogging. The Samsung Tab will be my first ever blogging prize and it does make me feel good.

Anyway, let us hope we all meet at some bloggers meet somewhere, some time... I'm sure you'll all find me a friendly soul. :)

Not at all, Arvind Ji, it's an open forum and everyone can have different opinions. No issues on that.
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The same is the case here. Not sure whether will I be able to make it to Chennai or not, especially due to committment at work:(. Still registered so that seats do not get exhausted, can always cancel at the last moment.

Somehow I have a feeling that there are last moment surprises in the store:) as IB team and sponsors, both must be aware that a large community of boggers will not be able to attend it.

As far as prizes are concerned, surprize prizes (via lucky draw) etc. may be OK just for the sake of fun, but actual (say big) prizes should always be based on writing. Some people will always shout when they do not win; even if you give justifications. Just forget them:)

@Pg, how many times do I have to bow in front of you for your modesty:)?

Thanks A, for understanding me.
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Pg, as I said those who have to cry foul will cry, whatever one does.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@ Arvind Passey Congrats on winning Samsung Tablet, i believe the meet is organised in Delhi for prize distribution.  I feel one or two lucky prizes as Pramod voiced should be considered based on continuous participation.  It may sound like reservation policy but we have to respect their wishes and keep goading them to improvise.  Just look at KBC they have been allowing participants who have suffered in earthquakes, cloudburst, suicide victims family etc to win prizes with easy and cake walk questions.  I am for it full hog Smile

@ Animesh i don t think the meet will be postponed unless attendance is damm poor.  Let us hope it goes through with a refreshing format of contests.

@ Pramod  We appreciate your take, everytime i see you participate regularly.  Keep blogging

from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Umesh, I am not talking about postponning:) I am talking about some other surprises which are yet not revealed.

Umesh Ji, any reservations is not good, just healthy atmosphere is needed. Lucky prize option had two three benfits, that's why I said, 1) people cannot crib of bad judgements 2) participation would increase overall, I had no intention of wanting prize earnestly. It's all luck factor. It's minus point is loss of great content. So having a small percentage put for luck prizes, would save face of management in case of bad judgements by sponsors
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Luck prize is a good option but people will still cry foul that there was partiality in choosing winners!
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Tata Motors

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Gaadi bula rahi hai,

horn baja rahi hai,

milna hi zindagi ka, 

rivaz ban rahi hai. Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Chalti Kaa Naam Gaadi:)
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Kudos to you DS....join the fun SIZE MATTERS screams the advtSmile

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Now lot of goodies are coming our way DOVE gift hamper and maybe meet in Mumbai i supposeSmile

Yo, life rolls on, & I wish it grows bigger n bigger
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Of course Pramod Indies need to grow bigger and better i feel Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Dove sponsoring another contest! And a free gift hamper too:) And an indimeet too! Great:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Whats with all the suspense that dove is creating?
from hyderabad
12 years ago

I think Dove wishes to make everyone happy by giving something before we start our work.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Seats are fast filling up only 161 seats left for the bloggers meet at Chennai:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Are you attending Umesh ji?
Meet would soon be house full,
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Just returned from Pondi trip, so most probably not attending, but the agenda seems very interesting this time aroundSmile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Seats disappearing like hot cakes!! Oh! Did I say cakes, where is Sorc??
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Dammit why the hell I am attracted to threads which contains the C word in ANY FRAKKIN' FORUM!!!!1111111

Dude the cake is a lie
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Forgive Me For Butting In But I Think Mumbai is cool city , and you guys must make it , the last one at Sea Princess Juhu was a great moment of meeting  you guys all pasionate bloggers photographers and the God of Blog Rev Renie Ranvin should give my idea  a thought.. you will get to meet the youngest Indiblogger Nerjis Asif Shakir only 2 months old and Marziya Shakir worlds youngest street photographer 3 and a half years old .. in humility and gratitude .. and this Malang too ..I dont Drink I Dont Smoke I dont Fornicate  I only Blog..

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

All the best guys for the Grande Meet at Chennai, i hope some of you will update us the developments.

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