Immature tips, duping people, an awareness drive.

I would like to draw attention of all friends, please be aware of tips. buy tips, sell tips, stocks, commodities , etc. etc.

this is my earnest tip. all friends. keep full distance from any such site providing tips.

there may be good ones too, but who cares. 

amazing rubbish tips are given. you may loose your hard earned money the easy way.

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blogging, a boon , has given a platform to reckless ones too, and they are exploiting it, to the best of their abilities. no one is much concerned of public well being.

I have a strong feeling that an isi standardization must be in place to  be able to put up these type of services. or else blogspot should declare some norms for it too.

debate friends


from goa
12 years ago

ISI standards for blog LOL interesting idea. I can picture the ads showing a housewife giving advice to visit only isi certified blogs.

True there are thousands of site and blogs to misguide the ill-informed web user.

Mayur, thanks for seconding the thought, I recently saw a site giving strong buy recommendation for a certain company , I knew 100% was on the verge of falling from the niagra falls. In the end of the article, a small clever disclaimer, that the info may not be from reliable sources. Its like People getting the ak47 in their immature hand, not knowing the devastation, & venom , it can spread. The power of writing should have some sensiblity and level headedness too.
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I believe for long term investor, it is better to make own studies rather than listening to tips and investing.  Somehow i have suffered limited losses due to my own decision.  Whenever i have gone by tip, i have lost more money Lolz.   Smile  Good wake up call Pramod to bloggers, my philosophy is don t allow others to gamble with your money.

Well said umesh Ji , I have been into this market at an young age of 23, seen the market frm very minute angle. I am a fan of Warren buffet, and used to make my extensive studies, but in india all studies are just nuts when you come to see practical market movements. All the gimmicks are done to manipulate balance sheets. Sebi turns a blind eye towards some. Some pay the price. I remember one fellow broker, in 1993, was very sullen faced , while we were waiting fr lift. I asked him d problem. He said , he was in soup. That day I had read of very negative news on essar gujarat, in E.T., I suggested him a short sale on it. When we next met he was jubilant and profusely thanking me. He had gone heavy short on it and raked brilliant booty. I only thank god , it clicked for him. All expertise, reading etc. Goes down the drain at times. Extreme caution is necessary in investments.
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I believe Pramod one should take a calculated risks in companies which are well managed and ethical in accounting practise.  If one is able to take a call when the market has bottomed out than one will be a gainer.  If one is prudent, even if his judgement is wrong, one should be able to average and exit the share without much losses.  I had invested in Reliance Industries thinking it will never let down a investor.  After observing for one year trend, i exited with no loss or profits.  Many might have called it foolishness.  I exited at Rs 1100/-  now it has come down to Rs 872/-  Similarly there are other investments where i have averaged, now waiting for markets to recover.  So ultimately it is better to take a call at right time.

You are right umesh Ji , patience, prudence, pays
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Pramod did you check the listing of P G Electronics it has zoomed by 50%, experts say it is being rigged and the actual stock price is not worth more than Rs 50 now it is quoting 355

it's an irony, sebi turns a blind eye to all these anamolies. 

when the markets go down we see many small cap stocks garnering upper circuits. no enquiry is done in to them.

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