Any scope for Advertisements in Wordpress blogs ?

Hi Guys,

I am a newbie here. Actively blogging since a couple of months now. Was wondering if there is any scope of having advertisements and eventually start earning a little from the blog !

I believe it would take a while to get loyal visitors and more hit counts but is there any scope at all ???

I have read that advertisements in wordpress could get tricky !

Please do let me know on your inputs !

Cheers !

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Corrected a typo in the title !
Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The best blogger to answer your query is Pramod Lohia, since he uses the platform of Wordpress effectivelySmile

Thank you Umesh :) :)

I am sure he would be able to give me some inputs then ! :)

Cheers !

... and also I guess Pramod uses Blogspot.... :) But I liked his whole concept !

At times, its not the revenue that's important... it's the connection and friendship that's way more important :)

@ nand kishore g, i have one blogspot site, and one selfhosted wordpress site too, both listed on indie,

wordpress is latest development, all possible due to my dear indie friends.

Oh is it.... I did not check that I guess !!!

Even i have a blogspot site... but somehow inclined to Wordpress :) It feels better with better blog management features !

I am planning to buy a domain as well ! :)

But anyway, I have kinda dropped my plans of having any advertisements...! It wont serve any purpose anyway ! so why bother :)

from Allahabad
12 years ago

Officially you have to request to allow you advertisning on a profit share of 50-50. To be eligible for that you should have around 25K views per month.

My blog has an average view of 33K and still I have not been allowed to put ads despite of my repeated request. :(

Oh 25 Thousand views per month !!! It's quite far ahead for me :)

Thanks for the information Abhishek !!!

I actually checked out your blog ! Maaaaaaan !!! You've quite a reliable and informative blog ! I actually faced the same keyring problem with my ubuntu a few years back ! That was a complimentary copy of ubuntu cd that I had recieved.... remembered how frustrated i got in my hostel !! :P i remember spending late hours before my exams trying to setup the stupid OS ! but once it was up it was worth all the trouble ! :)

from Allahabad
12 years ago

@Nand Kishore G ..... The blog on is more popular and useful as well. I like to blogger because of its looks and easy to use and equally powerful writer. Whereas Blogger lacks these feature, it has advantage of allowing Ad-Sense and an easy option of free hosting if you own a domain name.

... yes... that's is true !!! I am totally in love with Wordpress :)

Wondering why it took me so long to start blogging there... My Blogspot site had almost died as it wasn't exciting enough !

I am putting free gift ads banner too designed by me' to lucky ones. So I don't know of any revenue earnings, just friendships
Thanks Umesh Ji for thinking of me', feel privileged

Wow... you actually answered my question !!! :) and in such a pleasant way !! thanks Pramod :) Friendships are way tough to garner than revenue !!! :) I am gonna take a tip from you on this for my site :)

Loved your Musings site... probably the most sleek blog i have come across as yet ! Way to go !!! :) You've just got yourself an avid follower for your blog !

Cheers !

thanks nand kishore g , for the compliments, you've made my day, 

Pleasure's all mine Pramod :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I think Blogger is the best option for putting Ads. Since google adsense is the property of Google as is Blogger.

Yes DS... I believe so too from what I have read off late....

But anyway... It's still a long journey for me ! :) And I am sure I am gonna make it !!!

Cheers !!!

adsense is for super experts seo guru's I think, not my peace of cake as yet. 

Hahaa.... Pramod... I am starting to realise that as well !!!

You seem to be absolutely right !!! Tongue out

from Mumbai
12 years ago
All the best in your quest Kishore... I have failed to have my blog registered on adsense too!!!

DS, Arti ji has adsense approved blospot site. and great page hits too which one looks at awe, but I  think the revenue earned till date from adsense is very discouraging.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yes, Arti does indeed have an adsense account on her Yatra Diary!! Maybe she can shed some light on this topic. But her blog is on Blogspot not Wordpress.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
The site is also not cluttered with ads which is good.
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

NKG, you could consider self hosted wordpress. Domain+hosting would cost no more than Rs.1400/- per year. Get a dotcom, dotin or dotsomething of your own and move your blog.

But I must warn you, blogs like yours do not generate revenue from PPC ads. So it is more than likely that you would not be able to earn even the 1400 back. But you will have your own domain.

Nice blog, BTW. I like the some of the artwork too. But you seem to haved missed out on crediting any original work which is copyrighted to its creator or someone other than you. I would suggest that you give proper credit to the owner of the images on your site. Even if you edit an image you MUST give credit to the original image which you modified or used as part of your artwork.

rumbaho, i wish to know one thing, if i take a pic from free pics, site, then also do I give credit, or is it ok with it. beause I recently picked two three pics, from free pics sites.
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

On any free pics site, the copyright stays with the original owner. Typically, such copyright holders on "free pic" sites will give a fair use permission by default but due credit must be given.

"Fair use" in general can be considered non-commercial use. But anyone who uses such a pic should also make it a point to credit the original copyright holder by checking the copyright details which are usually posted right alongside the image or at the bottom of the page/post (like on my blog).

It's good that you give credit, but normally the rights to use the image are described quite clearly on the website or even on the image page where you click the download link for the image.

Just because credit is given, it does not mean that we have followed the rules. The owner may have denied any use without written permission or may ask for payment of some sort.

Thanks Rumbaho :) I am planning to buy a domain for myself... Hopefully by early next year ! :)

And yes, I now understand that having advertisements wouldn't really make much sense in a site like mine !!! It wouldn't serve the purpose at all plus, it might as well be an eye-sore !!! Which is a big NO-NO for me !!! :)  I better stick to what I love doing and stop bothering about money ! :P

Thank you so much for going through my Blog. I was actually not aware that if I use popular and publicity-intended posters from the web, would I be required to give credits. What I mean is, I have used images of either Titanic or Aishwarya Rai or Beethoven's album cover ! These are pretty much released to the web for publicity. I will anyway take note of this, and will make sure how I can give due credits to the site from where I have taken those images.

Those were the only 4 images that was taken from the web. The others which comprise the Banner or my other images in the posts are all my works. :)

Again, I am very glad you actually took time off and went through my blog. Please do visit again.

Cheers ! :)

... and just to add, Can I address you as Rumbaho ? or....

was just wondering if that was just your site name and you would prefer ppl calling you differently in these treads :) 

thanks for the inputs, i am looking in to  it to write the credits thing.
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

NKG, I realise the images are freely distributed, but that does not allow anyone to ignore copyright regulations. I try not to forget the credit line at the end of a post whenever I use an image.

Here are details from wikipedia on the Titanic Movie poster that you used...

Fair use rationale for Titanic (1997 film)
  1. For an article about a film, the original poster is arguably one of the most important images that could be included.
  2. No free or public domain images have been located for this film.
  3. The image is of lower resolution than the original poster (copies made from it will be of inferior quality).
  4. The poster is intended to provide an illustration for a well-known and significant film, and the purpose of the poster is to suggest something of the film's style.
  5. The poster is being used for informational purposes only, and its use is not believed to detract from the original film in any way.
  6. The poster is used on various websites, and its use on Wikipedia does not make it significantly more accessible than it already is.
  7. The poster's use on Wikipedia is entirely encyclopedic in nature.

The same page mentions the following...

The copyright © in this image is owned by 20th Century Fox and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

So, even though we all (including me) freely use any image we find online, even giving credit is not enough. The fact is that we are all breaking the law (at least US law) and can be prosecuted by the copyright owner. The only reason to give credit is that you can hope that the copyright owner will be slightly lenient. 

Rumbaho, thanks. That was really helpful. I never knew the norms. Usually I just google the titles in images and try to find the most suitable one. The site from where I take them would be just some random site/ or blogs like mine where there would be no copyrights notifications.

Now that I know, I would definitely make sure that I avoid any images apart from my works and if at all I use them, I will try and get the source of the image to find the copyright norms.

Thanks man. That was really helpful.

PS: I will edit my existing posts to include the due credits. :)

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