Amrita would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 32

When your free,do review my blog..Will ya?

from Dubai
13 years ago

I have a very simple blog,only recipes posted in here.Most are step by step pics.

I would really love getting some feed back on my efforts ..


Edited 12 years ago
Reason: felt like
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Rajesh K
Rajesh K
from Chennai
12 years ago

Your idea of writing recipes using pictures is excellent. It makes it simple to follow. The colour/pattern of the blog is very nice. Looks like you have done a lot of work in that blog, keep it up! Have a 'follow by email' box. You can get the code from . Fewer labels might be better, try to consolidate if possible.