Amol Wagh would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 73

Please review my blogs

Amol Wagh
Amol Wagh
from Nashik
16 years ago

Edited 16 years ago
Reason: wrong spellings
Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Amitabh Mukherjee
Amitabh Mukherjee
from Bangalore
16 years ago

1) I am not sure about the first one - it is not a blog. Some sort of index.

2) A few comments on this is just the first impression so please dp take other opinion:

a) At first glance I thought it was an architect's blog. The blog is on animation. Perhaps you would like to change the picture on the header.

b) Please do a grammar check before posting. At some places there are obvious errors that stops free flow of reading.

3) Not sure what this site is about.

Best Wishes! Churn-News

Amol Wagh
Amol Wagh
from Nashik
16 years ago

Thank you al for replying, specially amitabh.

The first one was down for technical check, now its on and third was spelling mistake,

it is cleared now. stilll very thank you for all replyes , I will change the header image too.


Siddharth Bose
Siddharth Bose
from Jabalpur
16 years ago

A very good technical blog. I like these kind of blogs as I also have a technical blog. Your blog is design is good and there is one error in your blog which I found was that your feedburner link was not working, fix it. Rest everything in your blog is good.

As I also have a technical blog so I think you would understand my blog better and you would be able to review it more accurately.

So waiting for your review


Siddharth Bose

Amol Wagh
Amol Wagh
from Nashik
16 years ago
Sure sidharth , I am replying you soon. And very thank you for comments