Kristy Kumari would like you to review his/her blog.
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Requesting Feedback on Design and Content

Kristy Kumari
Kristy Kumari
from Amritsar
13 years ago

My blog is very personal about my life adjusting to an intercultural relationship and subsequent move from the US to India. I am looking for insight into how well the layout promotes interest, enables the reader to share my work and thoughts on generating traffic, etc. Thanks in advance!

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Hey Kristy, the blog title itself is quite unique and draws attention. I think that layout wise, it'd be bettr if ur sidebar area was less wider. It gives more attention and interest to your work than the widgets. Maybe you can also try a separator for the sidebar too, some other templates in blogger do have it like that. An other suggestion might be to get another background. The hummingbird image in orange only stays till u scroll down further, and once after that, it just becomes a very bright orange which in my opinion might not hold the reader's attention. Cheers!

Kristy Kumari
Kristy Kumari
from Amritsar
13 years ago

Thank you, I will consider that. I'm still learning that stuff and not devoting nearly enough time to it lol. Smile