Would certainly help me improve if u actually can review it
A blog mostly humorous, with a bit of philosophy and current affairs thrown in at some points...:)
Great blog.. a wonderful theme and well written posts...
just one advice, get the email subscription higher, it's nearly invisible.
Thanks for the review jahnvi..i'll do thaty rightaway..!
Just saw your blog..Remove the coffee post sound man..It is a freaking headache :P
^ +1
Having auto-playing media is a no-no for any respectable blog.
For some reason, your blog has left-right scrolling as well when I opened it. I'm using firefox 5. This shouldn't be happening.
I prefer slightly tones down blogs or at least blogs that are easier to read. But seeing the comments above, I guess I am the exception (unless you spruced up your sidebar majorly recently). Have the RSS, Email, FB & Twitter options at the top of the sidebar. Then popular posts. Your "Fans" can come after.
thanks for ur suggestion...:)