Valady Hariharan would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my politics blog. It is a common man's concern over India today an

Valady Hariharan
Valady Hariharan
from Chennai
13 years ago

A common man's interest/concern ove India Today, Media Today and 

Replies 1 to 7 of 7
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Very well discussed about the common man thinking in a most balanced way. Hope to have some more interesting topics. 

Valady Hariharan
from Chennai
12 years ago

Thanks Pradeep for the review. I will try to have as many interesting topis as possible.

from Some city in India
12 years ago

It's fab. Loved the piece on Kashmir.

Valady Hariharan
from Chennai
12 years ago

Thanks pappu for the review. I did some research on the subject before writing the series.

Vishal Kataria
Vishal Kataria
from Thane
12 years ago

I love your blog, sir! Every article! In fact, I've joined the list of your subscirbers and added your Blog link as one of my favourites.

Please keep it going. Gives us a deeper viewpoint than the simple squabbling that we read about in newspapers everyday. Plus, I try to write on similar lines. Hopefully, I'll be as good as you someday... Smile

Valady Hariharan
Valady Hariharan
from Chennai
12 years ago

Thanks Vishal for your comments. I wish you all the very best.

very intriguing and interesting plot for your novel - wish you all the best! my curiosity as a journalist is certainly piqued. In case you require any 'inside' dope on the world of journos, feel free to ask Smile

Latha Vijayakumar
Latha Vijayakumar
from chennai
12 years ago

Its a nice, informative and interesting blog.

Valady Hariharan
from Chennai
12 years ago

Thanks for the review.



from Guwahati
12 years ago

Thanks for voting my posts. I visited your blog. The articles are very nice and useful and i have joined your site via google. Pl visit my blog. Thanks once again.