Madhur Chadha would like you to review his/her blog.
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Looking for feedback on my Blog

Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

I write and record poetry and songs. This blog has many of my original poems and songs.

I also write about various other things that matter to me, my musings,politics and my travelogues

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

would love to have some feedback, I have been experimenting a lot latey with layouts etc.

Dont get confused by Old post on top, just kept one of my post as sticky. Is that a good idea?

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Dear Madhu,

Good blog and intersting posts.

Suggestions -

Change the layout colors - it looks dull

Font size needs to be is not readable

Overall a good site with variety of info and you have done a good job in promoting it as well.

Best Regards,

Ishita sharma

Kindly review my site and provide comments

Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Heyy thanksss for this detailed feedback :):)..will start working on these points

Only problem is i have no idea about programming on wordpress, I am more  of a find a plugin types guy :)

I have installed super cache and also wp-minify but still not much of a change


Also how do i change teh home page to excerpt..i ws trying to do it but my theme doesn have that option. M planning to change my theme itself

Hey BTW where do you check teh grade of your site..? 

Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

have been experimenting extensively on the look and feel and this is finally that i am setteling for :)

let me knwo how it is now:)

current website grade 92