Kaveesh Manchanda would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://kaveeshmanchanda.wordpress.com ]

MBA, Work, Food, Technology & more: Please review my blog or sections of it that

Kaveesh Manchanda
Kaveesh Manchanda
from Delhi/NCR
13 years ago

I am currently working as an RM at IBM and gearing up for MBA at Washington University. I am a true foodie and my Trivia ranks high in my list of interests.

My blog captures these aspects of my life- my experiences, opinions, knowledge etc.

I request your feedback for my blog or any for any one section that appeals to you.



Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from hyderabad
13 years ago

The design of the blog is good but the widgets oppy a majority of your blog's space. Decrease that space in such a way that the main text area has a graeter share of the screen space.

Add recommended posts to the sidebar so that you can show your readers the best content

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Kaveesh Manchanda
from Delhi/NCR
13 years ago

Thanks for sharing that Ranjith. Really appreciate!

I went in for the current setting because I want my tweets and tumblr posts to get as much importance am my blog posts- helps me share fresh content even during days when I just don't have time to work on longish articles.I like the idea about sharing the best content. Maybe I'll replace the Recent Posts with Recommended Posts.

Once again, thanks for your wonderful inputs!