Swthika would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://swthika.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

Please review my blog

from Chennai
13 years ago

Send in your comments

Replies 1 to 6 of 6
from mumbai
13 years ago

Hi swetha,

You truly have a wonderful blog. I was very impressed by your content partcularly your post on beauty. The template and the layout look colourful and vibrant as well. I am no expert blogger, but I suggest you use a single font for all your posts. Also, you can add a 'recent comments' widget in the sidebar if you want to encourage comments on your blog.

Keep blogging. Looking forward to more posts . :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Swetha,

Nice blog... Here are my first impressions-

Good --

  • Neat, unclutterd look of the blog lures the reader in.
  • Fresh content makes for a delightful read..Keep it up!

Things you could work on--

  • use of a one particular Font style in all posts as @abhi as pointed out.
  •  Some useful widgets can be added like popular posts and 'link within'.
  • The number of posts on home page can be reduced to max 5, not more than that.

Rest is great, keep writing :)

Best wishes,


Gayatri (Mystic)
Gayatri (Mystic)
from Dombivli
13 years ago


Nice content.. The poems are great!!

You could work on the fonts though as @Arti and @Abhi both pointed out.

Keep writing :)



from Chennai
13 years ago

Thanks all for the encouragement. I would certainly incorporate all the feasible suggestions Smile

Am a newbie and exploring indiblogger

However if you feel my post is deserving please vote/promote the same 


Ramesh kumar
Ramesh kumar
from chennai
13 years ago

very good effort applied to the blog about beauty. The Observation is superb and the comparison is nice. But, i felt your trying too hard to drive home the point, no faults in particular. Verrry good blog, do keep writting 

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Dear Swetha,

Lovely  and beautiful website....I liked the layout and pictures..very nice

Suggestion -

Update these pages

http://swthika.blogspot.com/p/random.html..check this page..its blank


Have a look at my website - http://www.investmentbazar.com

Kindly provide your suggestion and inputs
