Sairam Rajamani would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 33

2 weeks old humour and comics blog. Pls review! will review back. Thnx

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Yes, I am not a cartoonist. So I mainly draw stick figures :-)

I would like to know whether the posts make you laugh (or smile at least) once?


Edited 13 years ago
Reason: subject did not appear fully
Replies 1 to 14 of 14
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

The posts (at least some of them) made me hysterical. I'm certainly going to visit back for more of it.


Keep drawing (and writing :) ).



Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Thanks CoolAntz. I liked your blog too. Esp the swimming pool one.


Thanks merCury.

I need to change the template. I took the one that looked the most stylish. I am currently following a goal of a post daily. The next will be to improve the usability.

Liked and commented on your chaos engine blog. You seem to be searching for the right company that will spur you. All the best.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Sairam,

Nice blog you have there! The template is simple and sober without any clutters, I like it.

You could put up the labels widget in the sidebar and you could also use 'linkwithin' widget that will show more of your posts at the bottom of each post - that helps in increasing readership.

Overall, the blog is excellent...very humorous and witty, Keep writing :)

Sudarshan Varadhan
Sudarshan Varadhan
from Chennai
13 years ago

ure ****ing hilarious boss, i must admit!! really enjoyed reading ur posts! chancey illa! :)

Satish Mutatkar
Satish Mutatkar
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Sairam: Really liked your blog (my first day here).  The Google one was good, It has humour and wit, the things which matter in a blog of this nature. The other bells and whistles are welcome but not essential, as they woulf be in a say, poetry or nature photography blog. Will read the others in the next few days. Check out my stuff when you have the time (would recommend Tihar Redevelopment and F.I.R for someone with your inclination --these drew a good response on FB.)




from Mumbai
13 years ago

Nice blog.

nothing much to say except that improve the quality of pictures you use.

Pls review mine as well - HERE

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago


I went over to your blog. You have posted on a wide variety of useful information.  Your kind of blog should see heavy traffic from googlers who are trying to find helpful info. How good is your SEO on the blog.

I see that you are celebrating blogversary pretty soon. Congratulations! I hope to reach that milestone. But it is going to take time :)

Yes, the cartoons in my blog come out bad as they are line drawings and JPG conversion messes it up. Maybe, you should post on how to convert line drawings from BMP to JPG losslessly :)

from Bangalore
13 years ago

It makes me feel good. Pictures are good and the site has a good layout.

Best Regards,

Ishita Sharma

Plz review my site.


from Jaipur
13 years ago

Nice and meaningful post...:)

Keep doing good job.

best of luck

Abhinav Neelam
Abhinav Neelam
from Bangalore
13 years ago

This, sir, is exactly the kind of humour I enjoy. Laughing Not the only kind, mind you, I also enjoy all kinds of non-humorous humour (defined as the sort you laugh more at the more you realize its inherent unhumorousness). Still, it's not toilet humour, and it's not the half-embarrassed humour of a profanity filled rant, it's brilliant. 

In a world that's getting more and more in touch with its serious side (and thinking that's a great thing), and a country that beats an already touchy everyone-else at sheer touchiness (if nothing else), your quest is a noble one, and one of grave significance. So, keep at it! Laughing

from Kerala
13 years ago

Laughed and smiled. More than once.

Fire Crystals
Fire Crystals
from India
13 years ago

I liked your posts - specifically the ones about the barber and blogging without a subject. Though I have to say that I had no clue what you meant in your Infosys posts. Maybe I am not familiar with them, but I couldn't understand any of it.

from Jaipur
9 years ago

Really Liked your work.Lets us know Ur diet plan to achieve creativity.Cool

from jaipur
9 years ago

you have write on very interesting subject - humour!

here are my suggestions:

  1. try to add some picture or sketch. it makes blog post more attractive
  2. space out the content into smaller paras
  3. write more frequently