Hello, My blog ( needs a review and feedback. Its about happiness and inspirations from life's little things. Pls check and post your comments here. Will review back for sure. Thanks!!
Reason: to provide more info and blog link
I like the layout and content. You have a very good command of the English language. I do believe it's better though to have the following links at the top of the page, so my suggestion would be to move them either just above or just below your "Welcome" message. The easier you make it for ppl to subscribe, the more likely they will be to do it. Kudos on having more than one subscribe box already. Also, I would move the share gadget up to where you put the follow boxes. That way the viewers don't miss that one.
It's not of major importantce but your blog name and subheading could both be a little larger.
Hi Kristy, thanks a lot for the feedback. Will implement them... Loved your blog "White Bhabi"; glad to see you embracing the Hindu culture!
Yeah, I'm working on that. But like all religions it's complicated. I had the fortune of growing up in a very diverse cultural atmosphere so it helps. Glad you enjoyed my blog!