Review my blog
Any comments for the betterment of this blog would be appreciated
Hi Narayani,
Nice blog you have. Very candid writings, written from the heart...I esp loved the mood swing post, happens to us so many times but you have expressed the thoughts so beautifully well :) Well Done!
Few suggestions -
- Feedjit needs to be pushed downright at the end because its of no use for a reader. Its more for personal viewing.
- Search this blog needs to be in the sidebar and not in the footer. You could probably place things like shoutbox in the footer.
- you could reduce the number of posts on the homepage to max 5. Since it takes a lot of time to scroll as of now to reach the bottom.
- consider adding 'link within' widget that shows related posts after each of your post. That is one way of keeping readers hooked :)
Rest is very well done. I loved it!
Keep Blogging and Best Wishes :)
PS : I am sorry Narayani. I was rating your blog at blogadda for 5 stars but as soon as I clicked on the first star, it started processing and took my vote as that. I apologize, that was unintentional on my part. I don't know how to change it now...If you think I can do tell me, I will.
Thanks a ton arti! am overwhelmed actually and yes the tips u have given, will incorporate them right away :) In fact, am still learning the technical aspects of blogging and your inputs have made it easier for me to learn.....
Continue reviewing.....God bless...!!
- Narayani Karthik
The pleasures all mine, Narayani. You have a wonderful space out there..