New here. Take a look at my blog. I'd love to review yours.
It's a blog about everything under the sun, whatever strikes my fancy. If I see a movie and like it, I sometimes review it, so that's a semi-regular feature. Otherwise, it's just musings.
Reason: General
nice blog nd wonderful writing...
u might wanna add the followers gadget so tht othr ppl can know of ur presence nd awesomeness...
nd try to fit d feedjit widget within d lines...
Tc nd keep blogging
Good writing. I liked the subtle satire and humor that you sometimes present.
You write on a wide variety of topics..., so you may want to split your writing into separate blogs, makes it easier for people with specific interests to follow your posts.
And just plain curious, why did you name it "caves of spiel"? And why's your URL blight-rider?
- tan ... Elusive 42 | Sidekick
Hi tan. My url is blight-rider for a very simple reason. Its a blatant nostalgia ripoff to show that I am an 80's pop culture geek, with a bit of wordplay thrown in.
As for the name, its another pun, base on a favorite book of mine, Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov. I call it Caves of Spiel, because thats what it is, me giving extravagent Spiels about anything that interests me.
As for breaking the blog up, I know I should do it, but frankly I've grown so attached to this URL, and I write on so many topics, it will be difficult juggling. But yes, one of these days I will have to to that
Anoop, thanks for the very kind words. Your blog is a lovely piece of work, and I enjoy the fact that you depend so much on dialogue, it makesw for vivid characters. It's really a very enjoyable read
It was truly an interesting blog. Only thing I would suggest is, try changing your comment box to Disqus. That should be more convenient. I liked your recent post on parent-child relationship and also 'Kolkata Snapshots'. Your blog has a great blend. I will surely go through your previous posts sometime soon.
Good luck!
Wow! Loved your blog! After reading this, I was actually honoured that you liked my blog! Keep it up!
Hi Jaidev - Thanks for your feedback. I know I use too many pictures, but its become a bit of a habit. Perhaps I should cut down pictures of slightly more serious posts. You are right
Harsha - I'm looking into Disqus. Thanks for the idea, it's a really great tool I didn't know about. I'm glad you like the blend, I was afraid it might be a little off putting, but it's my blog and I write whatever I want to. I'm not much of a theme guy.
Sandy - Thank you so much for the compliments. It's a topic very close to my heart, so I appreciate the positive feedback.
I am totally impressed with your blog. I honestly loved your post stock-home syndrom. You were dare enough to speak out on a subject which many did not.
Loved your style of writing, very simple and attractive.
Few suggestions:
- Please cut down the no. of posts per page, too much of scrolling is a distraction. Or you can make it in a snippet view format for lengthy posts.
- The dark post area seems to be kinda of painful to eyes when a reader spend lot of time on your blog. Just that you have amazing content, reader would defenitely stuck there and spend time. So would be great to work on the contrast..:)
- You can increase the post area width, as you have lot of unwanted space on left side.
It would be great if you can review my blog too. As you spoke about parent and children relationships, your words/suggestions will add value to my blog on my journey through motherhood.
Keep blogging, will follow it!
Nishana | All About Liya
Hi Nishana, thanks for your suggestions. I did cut down on the number of posts per page, but snippets would be a better idea. I don't know how to do that on blogger, can you help me with that?
I will work on the contrast and find an optimal look. It's always a work in progress.
Nishana, I just went through your blog. I think its a very cute blog. Just because my blog doesn't have focus does not mean I cannot appreciate it in others. You have a very observational style of writing, and it is perfect for a blog like this. I am not a fan of green, but that's a purely personal point of view, and all I need to love a blog is great stuff to read, and your blog has that in spades.
For snippet view:
If you have advanced editor, you need to do following
- Go to your post edit mode, Compose tab, next to 'image insert/ video insert' icon you would see an icon which looks like a torn paper piece. Click in the area where you need to break as spinnet and then click on this icon. Publish it. You will have to do it manually for each posts.
If you don't see above icon, probably you would be having a basic editor. You can insert the code <!--more--> wher ever you need to break and that would do the magic. But I suggest you to switch to Advanced editor, which you can do in following way-
Goto your settings tab, scroll down to Global Settings--> you would see 'Select post editor' ; now select updated editor. The first point I said above will work.
Now you can customize the 'read more' button. For this you go to design tab, you can see a box 'Blog posts' with an Edit at the bottom right corner. Click on it and customize as you wish.
Thanks a lot for your comments on my blog. I use multi color there mainly because it is a baby blog, and the content is kinda of related with kids and parenting. Hence I thought a bright and colorful (yet not flurescent or painful to eyes) theme would apt this blog.
Thanks again!