Please review my blog - will review yours in return! thank you.
Hi, my name is Sharbori. I can describe myself in many ways - woman, mother, thinker, citizen of the world, curious and hopeful about life and the world, helpful, opinionated, insightful, intuitive, psychotherapist, coach and a consultant.
This blog is a vehicle for expression for me and my guest authors’ opinions, insight and experiences about human nature, personal growth, psychology, gender, community development, review of books and films (that has the above elements), and significant social issues, themes or context that touch us deeply.
This blog is also to connect with fellow bloggers and readers like you, to listen, to learn, to share and exchange ideas and to connect with you.
I would be honoured to have your comments, views and experience about yourself, and about my blog and the content.
Reason: I would like to receive feedback from others
Can you please use read more tag to shorten the main page length as that would allow you to accommodate more posts in main page ??