Janhvi would like you to review his/her blog.
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Awaiting a feedback

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Just another blog about thoughts being penned down with a twist of weirdness

Replies 1 to 7 of 7
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thank you  so much... anything to improve?


from Mumbai
13 years ago

The tagline is by C.S lewis. one of inspirations to write =)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thankyou =D will look into it.

Good. Its nice.

I think you should consider dedicating some more time to your blog so that the number of posts per month increases. 12 posts/month is enough considering your average is 3.

I feel that the rss subscribe links should go to the sidebar instead of it being right at the end of the page.

I also feel that the archive widget and the label widget should be somewhat grouped together. So you can either bring the archive widget up or put the label widget down.(not at the footer.. sidebar itself)...

Although the template looks like a technology or programming blog... its okay.

Otherwise, its simple, nice, and yes of course.. The content you write is good and makes for some enjoyable reading... but then again.. you should consider posting more often.

Thats my review.

Enjoy Blogging!

very excellent content. and blog design also great.

you can sign up free  for alexa rank too.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thankyou so much for the reviews btw, i have considered and have moved my blog http://psychopneuma.wordpress.com/ plz keep following =)

from Mumbai
13 years ago


I hear you!!!! I know frequency is the biggest issue. Trying my best. Hoping that the patience sustains!