Looking for feedback on my new blog
http://vkfeel.blogspot.com/ it deals with my observations & skills in the field of Video, Audio, Photo and computers.
superb blog, very informative content.
You are welcome any time and nice to be in contact.
I made some changes in my blob could you take a look and give your coments
Though it is too technical for me, I could sense your passion for such stuff. Good and unique color combination in your blog makes it look fresh.
Wow, what a busy person! I just saw your blogs, will comment on those soon. Thanks for coments. All my life I remain too technical, that was the way of life to servive. Now finding out other resourses. New in English medium, but I have Marathi folowers. I am sure you will not follow it, yet you will enjoy Fotography the second blog.
Nice to see another blogger hanging around at Indi Blogger and is willing to communicate. It is not frequently found in Indi Blogger network.
Cheers Vinayak.
You are welcome, I felt same.