Doctor who blogs would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Kindly review my blog and give your valuable feedback.

Doctor who blogs
Doctor who blogs
from Mumbai
13 years ago

My blog is essentially a personal blog, however my prime objective is to put in as many as medical articles to create awareness amongst the masses regarding the common medical disorders or newer techniques. I keep interest in mental health issues. Besides medical topics I also post regarding the current political and social issues sometimes.

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: adding tags
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

You got a nice theme for sure but it appears cluttered. The photos on the right confuse to the actual content. Those arent the pics that you have clicked, thats what it seems.

Lot of plugins make the page slow. I see you have a footer and top bar. Lot of animated images makes things worse as it distracts reader's attention. The way you write is good, however you can change the font to a more adaptable web font like Verdana, Georgia or Callibri, however its a personal choice.

Doctor who blogs
Doctor who blogs
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thank you so much Hemal. I am a newbie to blogging. And so whatever i have learnt about it is through surfing the blogger related websites. Thank you for the valuable feedback. I will surely disable the animated widgets. And I am not sure whether the font change applies to this template. I had tried it once, but had problems. I will look into it for sure.

Thank you anyways. Happy reading. :)