Looking for feedback on my blog.
dark .. too dark ... but i like it :-) i read your cruel intentions and snakes. But dont ya think your back ground makes things a tad difficult to read?
blogging since 2006... wow.. you are a very senior blogger compare to bloggers like us who are just few months old .
Now this makes me wonder, how justified it would be for us to review you ?? rather it should be other way around
oh my god... thanks a lot guys, how wonderful compliments. :) My template, hmm, let's see.... I like it but it has been there for a long time, I just might change it soon.
Thanks Sauvik for reading and liking. :)
Thanks Hunky @ NexGenBikes.com, but I would still appreciate your feedback. :)
As from just a vistor point a view,
Template is nice..
- I wish the main post body to be bit wider !!!
- Paragraphs are required in few posts
- use of Read more tag..
But at the end of the day, still its unfare to provide negative feedback to a blogger from 2006 by some one like my self, who is just 3 months old !!!
thanks for your feedback guys. as for the extended paragraph thingies, the posts which don't have paras are meant to stay tht way. the adding of "read more" button is a very interesting feature suggested tht had not occurred to me before. Thanks. :)
great ambience, bold write ups.
comments section needs more options for commentors.
alexa rank and google p.r. needed for new heights.
I am with HunkyWriting a review for your senior is really tough
. But still I wanted to tell this
First of all you have an extremely nice blog. I loved it.
The topics you have written on are nice and your writing is extermely good.
I liked your blog template and everything you have done to it.
One thing is, due to the falling of petals the blog takes long time to load.
Its beautiful and attractive but people might get bored to wait for a long time.
But all in all a great blog.