ambiguous m would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Reviews required :)

ambiguous m
ambiguous m
from New Delhi
13 years ago

hey..i'm somewhat new to blogging. Will be great if i can get some feedbacks. :)

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
ambiguous m
ambiguous m
from New Delhi
13 years ago

hey... It feels great to know that you liked my blog and that it had an impact on you. thanks for the review and i'll surely visit your blog . Smile

Sanjeetha Veni
Sanjeetha Veni
from India
13 years ago

hi am,

         i love ur url ambiguous...u have a free flow of writing which only some people have and you are blessed with such..keep writing..:)

ambiguous m
from New Delhi
13 years ago

hey....thanks sanjeetha..that meant a lot Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Heya am,

I visited your blog and even read it...what I liked the most was the recent post and that verse that you posted a bit earleir... I really liked your work...

and hey do visit my blog too....would love to see your take on it....I've written poems n stories n small vignettes too :)

Take Care


ambiguous m
from New Delhi
13 years ago

hey fatima...thanks a lot for visiting the blog...and m glad you liked the recent post and going by your comment i know that you totally understood what i was trying to say through it Smile. I'll surely visit yours.

from Delhi
13 years ago

Update the blog. You write well.

ambiguous m
from New Delhi
13 years ago

whoa! great timings u have.. i have finally posted!!! do read it! Smile

ambiguous m
from New Delhi
13 years ago

oooo...and thanks Smile