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Looking your feed back on my blog Arp@nam

from India
13 years ago


Nothing extra ordinary...its a simple blog of fictions. Your feed back will give me more confidence and guidence in my creations.

Thanks & regards



Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi P-kay

No doubt, you are a good writer.  I liked many of the posts.  But there are two things that take away the pleasure of reading.

Your posts are very very long.  One of it even runs into over 3000 words!  Remember...  the attention spans of the readers on the net are getting shorter day by day. 

The page design - text and the background - needs an immediate change.  The present colour combination is too harsh for the eyes to behold! 

Bring about these modifications, and your blog will gain better visibility.

Visit my blog.  Let me have your feedback please


from India
13 years ago

Hi Rajuda sir

Thanks a lot for your valuable feed back. I have done little changes to the appearance after getting your feed back. Actually I always try to limit my write within 2000 words...but some time it go beyond my control ha ha ha ha. Yes agreed...I think I have crossed 3000 words in Moan. Actually it was a philosophical creation, and am little addicted to it :D

I have got many feed back earlier that to expand my stories means to write more as novels. Eventhough I am aware of the fact that you mentioned in your feed back. Generally people losing patience and tolerance day by day...and it is a cyber world :)

Actually I am addicted to bright colours in real life too. But now it is effecting eyes..so will do possible methods to reduce the contrast.

Will definitely check your blog and will give you feed back sir. Once again, thanking you for visiting my blog and giving a valuable practical feed back. Do visit my blog sir.

With best regards
