Karthik Lakshmanan would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://karthiklakshmanan.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 31

Looking for feedback

Karthik Lakshmanan
Karthik Lakshmanan
from Chennai
13 years ago

new to indiblogger and xpecting some feedback! do check out :)

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Read a couple of ur posts, good narrative style!


Do check out mine as well!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Karthik

You write well. 

But the pleasure in reading is taken away by the blog template.  I believe text in white fonts on a black background is a bad choice unless you make them bold or larger in size. 

You also need to keep a check on the length of your posts.  Longer ones have shorter attention spans, especially on the net.

These innocuous changes ought to make your blog much more visible.

Keep writing, Karthik


Karthik Lakshmanan
from Chennai
13 years ago

hey..thanks a ton.. shall work on those aspects!

Karthik Lakshmanan
Karthik Lakshmanan
from Chennai
13 years ago

hey guys... thanx a lot for ur comments.. helps a lot! Smile

Poorvi Shrivastav
Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Hey Karthik ,

Read your blog , the writing style is nice but I think you can improve little on the design or template part.

Keep blogging Smile



Zaira Hakeemshah
Zaira Hakeemshah
from Chennai
13 years ago

Your blogs are nice, but too lengthy.. I too have the same prob. I keep writing once i start. But we need to make it crisp.. Plus work a bit more on your theme. That would attract more readers. Keep blogging!!

Meanwhile, Have a look at mine - http://zradar.wordpress.com/ Am a newbie too..

To start with, have a look at - http://zradar.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/professionally-innocent/ and http://zradar.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/difference-between-owing-a-license-and-owning-a-vehicle/

Karthik Lakshmanan
from Chennai
13 years ago

thanks a lot.. shall work on those!:)

read urs.. well presented.. short,crisp and witty too..keep writing!