Shruti N would like you to review his/her blog.
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I would like a review on my blog

Shruti N
Shruti N
from Delhi
13 years ago


Since it's a personal blog, I am looking for ideas on probable topics to be written and also suggestions on a better layout to the blog.



Replies 1 to 7 of 7
Vikram Karve
Vikram Karve
from Pune
13 years ago

Hi Shruti,

I really liked your blog. Your writing is nice and peppy. Don't search for specific topics, just write spontaneously about anything you observe or want to. You can be a bit more candid though.

Happy Blogging.



Shruti N
Shruti N
from Delhi
13 years ago

Hi Vikram,

Thanks a ton! That was helpful.

I'll keep that in mind.



Dhanesh Gandhi
Dhanesh Gandhi
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hello shruti,

                      I read your blog about the baby in metro coach. Good bloggers don't need a martin scorcese script to describe their musings, don't worry about that. Write what you feel is worth writing and avoid playing to the gallery.

After all its your space, feel free to communicate. Construct smaller sentences with more periods, it will make your blog more readable. Write smaller paragraphs, i am sure you will learn soon.

The space for  your followers is in the right tab and it constricts the space for your text, try re aligning or using another template. Just my 2 centsSmile

Happy blogging

Shruti N
Shruti N
from Delhi
13 years ago

Hi Dhanesh,

Those were some really useful tips. :)

Template designing is just not my forte. Infact, I've no idea about it.

As you can see it, the template on my blog is one of the many available with blogger.

Guess I need professional help!

Rgds. :)


Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

Like the pepped up look of blog... but why the bookshelve when yours is not a review blog?

like the random way you pick topics to write on...

Like the apontaneous flow of language

BTW liked the post on metro coach and read it from end to end... I am used to long posts... I write long posts too. (BTW on the dedicated compartment thing, read my post on Gender discrimation of second kind. You just might enjoy it.


PS: I am a personal blogger too and write at random on things around me... I love writing and write on anything and everything that comes to my mind... so dont bother about what and how others write... just go with what seems fine to you! just look around and not only watch things go by but see things... look at what is not apparent on the outside

Dhanesh Gandhi
Dhanesh Gandhi
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Aashish if i may interject, I humbly disagree on the last point. What is apparent to the writer might not be visible to the person next to you.

If you really want to write for yourself , don't play to the gallery and write what you want :).

Shruti, you might want to consider wordpress. It is very neat and simple. As u say you get a lot of time on your hand, experiment with templates. I am sure your friends will let u know how it looks.



Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

@Dhanesh: isnt that what the point of any writer shd be? to give something that the reader is not able to get otherwise... true that you shd write for urself but try and bring out some uniqueness in whatever u write

Dhanesh Gandhi
Dhanesh Gandhi
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I have written a blog about this called "An ode to the ordinary".  I look forward to your response to that :-).

It is about how "Unique" is now the hottest selling social commodity, in all walks of our life. And how over rated is unique.