I d appreciate a review for my blog
Hello Indibloggers,
I am new to the blog spectrum and to the world of Indiblogger. I am looking forward to read and review a few blogs . Also having a few more friends wouldn't hurt :)
Cheers All.
i commented on ur blog itself :)
Thank you. I read your about me section in gravataar, if I may comment on the last lines
"But thats me for u... take me as i am. I won't change"
Be wary of people who want you to remain the same. They might not accept you when you change for the better or for worse.
Sorry for the roadside-chinese- chicken soup for the soul , I couldn't help myself from not saying this.
Cheers :)
There isn't really much to improve upon, Dhanesh.
Your blog is baap.
Thank you nupur, that was flattering :)