April would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://aprildiaries.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

Review me, wouldja please?! :)

from New Delhi
13 years ago

Hi, have been blogging for about three years now, though have started a new one. Request you to please review it adn let me know how it's shaping up.

Brickbats are more than welcome.



p.s. Please leave your bloglinks behind, would read yours and review back too.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Vibha Sharma
Vibha Sharma
from Chandigarh
13 years ago

Went thro' your blog. From the initial entries, it felt like some pages from your diary. Its nice and perfectly befitting the title you have given to your blog. Good way to record important as well as unimportant events. But just curious, do you want to keep recording like this or would you want to introduce some other topics too. Nothing wrong with what you are doing but personally feel, a little variety gives more substance to the site. Hope you take it in the right spirit.

do visit my blogs and let me know what you think about those

http://literarysojourn.blogspot.com (book reviews, interviews and my art work)

http://bitestories.blogspot.com (short stories and poems)