Robin Jacob Abraham would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

Blog Review

Robin Jacob Abraham
Robin Jacob Abraham
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Would appreciate it if some of you can review my writings on I am not open to SEO suggestions as I am a firm believer in driving traffic through genuine content. I need an honest perspective on how good or bad I write and what do you think is the stickiness of the same.

thanks and regards

Robin Jacob Abraham

Replies 1 to 11 of 11
from india
15 years ago

good blog

east to naviagate.


from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hi Robin,

This is my first post on indibloggers. I joined recently and am trying to get a feel of the community(Never been on a bloggers forum before).

I decided to go ahead and read your blog because of your genuine effort to keep your blog rolling with the content of your writing. Keep it up!

I really liked the layout of your blog, it is really clean and distraction free. I read the entire first page and find the contents intriguing. The item that piqued my interest is your "Indian Railways" category. I tried to look for it and don't see it in your category cloud. I'm technically challenged but I feel a category Drop down would have made it easier for someone like me to navigate categories.

Btw, I liked the content of your blog. I'm not a creative writing whizz so cannot comment on "technique" but it is my personal opinion that as long as the message is conveyed to the reader language and technique take a back seat.

Good Luck

Robin Jacob Abraham
Robin Jacob Abraham
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hey Prerana

Appreciate the review. This is the first time that I have also opened the blog for review and it feels nice to get a readers perspective. Will definitely ponder on the category issue and post an update on the same

Thanks for the honest review




Robin Jacob Abraham
Robin Jacob Abraham
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi Kadambari

Thanks for taking some time out to review my blog and thanks for the feedback. Should be done with my sequel today:)


I second the request to post a sequel to your 'First resignation letter' post. Will be on the lookout for it. :D

Neat layout. However, some of the text is not justified, that sort of mars the look sometimes. :)

 Happy Blogging!

Robin Jacob Abraham
Robin Jacob Abraham
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hey Hakuna Matata

hmm Have always struggled with formatting and editing...will work on the text:)

The sequel should ideally be released today:)

and thanks for the feedback:)

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Robin, I came here to request for the sequel to the resignation story, and I am eagerly awaiting it! Interesting to read your blog - I like the way your words flow together, and bind themselves.


P.S. I respect the non-SEO oriented approach to blogging. Kudos!


Robin Jacob Abraham
Robin Jacob Abraham
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hey Sumit thanks for the feedback... and for all who've been sequel is out...Happy reading (hopefully)



from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hehe... Still waiting for more to the saga... :P

Though, I guess you typed this one in a hurry, coz it happens to have a spelling and punctuation errors.

from Chennai
15 years ago


First of all, have you considered writing a book? I see a lot of Chetan Bhagat there. If he can write one, then I'm sure you can too. The extra money might help fund your coconut co-operative movement. :)

Layout is spot on. On the side pane - Top posts (perfect) followed by Categories and then an archives drop-down. Real good thought process.

A couple of thoughts-

- You've named your ex-boss directly. That makes him googlable. I'm not sure if that was your intent.

- You do know that's weed in your indiblogger button, don't you? :)

- After that moving resignation letter, you joined an ad company?

Robin Jacob Abraham
Robin Jacob Abraham
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Tell my wife I write like Chetan bhagat and she'll come running with a baton after you:)...She's not very fond of him and with me moving down the same way, it's double trouble.

To answer your queries

-I am ok with naming my ex boss.  The respect I have for him supercedes any negative adjectives I attribute to him.

-I've been thinking for a while to get that widget changed. Guess I'll do it.

- Nope I did my MBA, was in oracle for a while, then got into a messy workplace *Cant name him currently) and then into Webchutney, which is more of a digital ad agency. I am with their Social Media Division.

Sumit, I want in any hurry to complete the post:)...Its just that my keystrokes arent as efficient as my thought and I hate editing once I am done with writing:)


from Mumbai
15 years ago

Robin, I don't think your post had shades of Mr. Bhagat. :) Thankfully! Otherwise, I'd have hit you with a virtual baton on the forum. :P


Robin Jacob Abraham
Robin Jacob Abraham
from Mumbai
15 years ago

The Virtuality of it all:)...Have tried a trip report this time. Its not great but I am glad I attempted it.

