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Review my recent post on person who sacrifices most ...!

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago

Here is the link to my recent post on my view about who sacrifices most in this world....! read...comment...feed-me-back !

Love You all !


Edited 13 years ago
Reason: new post update
Replies 1 to 13 of 13
from Sunnyvale
13 years ago

Hi Aditya, Great layout for a blog called 'I speak'. Are you also a photographer by any chance? I am one myself and always get excited to meet fellow photographers :-)

Do visit my abode when you get a chance.

Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago

Thanks a ton for the reply ,Sorry but me not a photographer...!

And yup sure gonna use ur blog someday to try some new recipes 

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago

Hi guys me looking forward to your feedback 

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Hey Aditya....Nice write up.Interesting.There's always a different excitement of being part of such events.

Do visit my blog and let me know what u think of it.

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago

Thanks a ton Srinidhi

Vibha Sharma
Vibha Sharma
from Chandigarh
13 years ago

Very interesting blog Aditya. The topics are varied and engage the readers. 

do visit my blogs and would love to hear from you there (book reviews, interviews and my art work) (short stories and poems)


Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago

Thanks vibha give me sometime while i review ur blogs and yes as u tell me book reviews and short stories believe you me they r gonna be n my blog list

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago
Hi vibha went through both the blogs I did not found much interest in (short stories and poems) but the book reviews were nice in first look will for sure keep myself updated on books from this blog . :) Keep blogging
Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

Best thing that Iike is that the posts are written straight from the heart... Though, I would suggest that you increase the font size a little bit and make a good contrast with the background... makes reading easier!


Do visit and provide feedback on mine at

Raghu V N
Raghu V N
from Thrissur
13 years ago

Hi Aditya,


Nice blog...Good writing... But, I failed to follow your blog...Looks like you got some bug in your tool..

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago

@aashish Feedback taken will work on it thanks for compliments 

@Raghu Thanks a ton..will check the 'follow' thing asap 

Raghu V N
from Thrissur
13 years ago

I still can't add your blog to my following list. a '404 error' has been shown. I think, that is my problem!!

Raghu V N
Raghu V N
from Thrissur
13 years ago

K.....I'm following you....But, added your blog url through my blogger dashboard... I think, you still got some trouble with your follower widget..

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago

@raghav sorry 4 the trouble i have no idea why tat is happening

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
13 years ago

looking forward to ur views