Punit Dubey would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.punitdubey.in/ ] IndiRank: 44

Please review my Ride and Random Thoughts blog...

Punit Dubey
Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago


I am a naive rider and blogger too. I blog about one's daily random experiences, and about my rides and treks.

To evolve, one needs criticism, suggestions, recommendations and advices. So, do I.


Please review my blog...

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Delhi
14 years ago

I liked the way you have described your rides to vaious places specially the temple one. Can't say anything about poems though. Also nice template.

Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

Hey Abhishek!

Thanks for your maiden review... Yes, I'm not a poet, jus write a few lines sometimes...