Avinash Mishra would like you to review his/her blog.
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Kindly review my blog

Avinash Mishra
Avinash Mishra
from Pune
14 years ago

This blog is about passion for film-making. A few experiences, I had during the first film we shot and my creative journey so far. Your views are invited. Please leave your comments. Thanks ! I will be glad to get connected to you on twitter as well. My user id is http://twitter.com/tsunnieside . Thanks !

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
from Coimbatore
14 years ago

The words you use in your writing perhaps show how commited you are to your passion, but I find it quite hard to understand (pardonnez-moi, i hav a poor knowledge of convoluted words) Perhaps you should write more posts... BTW, I'm one among your blog's followers.

Avinash Mishra
Avinash Mishra
from Pune
14 years ago

Sure, Thanks ! :)

Avinash Mishra
Avinash Mishra
from Pune
11 years ago

Hi Sweta, 

The new link to my blog is http://bollywoodgyaan.blogspot.in.

Thanks for following. 


