Nikhil would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

enthupy blog review

from Bangalore
15 years ago

i have updated my blog after a long time ,writin a post about a currently a very apt topic


plzzz review and leave comments

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
from Assam
15 years ago

pretty varied as far as content is concerned.

May be you can experiment with the layouts just to make it more attractive

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Blog frequently dude, you should do that. Content selecting is good and verbiage appreciated. Welcome and Happy Blogging
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Thanks Kadambri , i will surely play aroum wid templated . recently i included youtube vids on the template.

so hows ur PS going ?

Kadambari Iyer
from Chennai
15 years ago

I saw the videos. Check whether they take more time to load the page. My blog also..seems to have too many things that slow down the process. I am planning a complete blog page make over this weekend!

And PS?! How do you know that?? Do I know you personally?? I am sorry but I am not able to place you! PS going great by the way. Smile

from Bangalore
15 years ago

Thanks Diptotrup !! will make it a point to update the blog as frequently as possible .

