Madan Kumar M Kamath would like you to review his/her blog.
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Looking for feedback for my blog. Been blogging for 4 years now.

Madan Kumar M Kamath
Madan Kumar M Kamath
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hello Blogosphere!!!

I started bloggin in 2006 out of curiosity and enthusiasm. Today over so many years I have graduated from simple ramblings, to observation on life, humor and poetry at times. I also have written some short stories and a mini novel.

I don't have a specific category if interest. Instead its a "sambar" of everything that interests me.

I would request fellow bloggers to have a look see and give me your feedback on content and anythng else that may strike you. Thanks !!!

Keep smiling


Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Madan Kumar M Kamath
Madan Kumar M Kamath
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Thanks Anwin!!! Hope to improve on that!!!

Oh yeah, tried to visit your blog, but the page wouldnt load...some server issues was the error message.

Once Again, thanks for checking out my blog :)


