Ajay Sardesai would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://ajaysardesai.blogspot.com ]

Looking for a feedback on my new blog

Ajay Sardesai
Ajay Sardesai
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hi ,

I am Ajay Sardesai from Mumbai , I have just recently started blogging . I want some feedback on my blog articles to understand where i should many improvements.


Ajay Sardesai

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
14 years ago

congratulations on starting your new blog. Here are some tips:


1) a lot of people have blogs about their personal life but it soon dies out because its not special. There are not a lot of people out there who want to read about what you do or what you think. To make your blog interesting i suggest you start writing about something that appeals to you and something that would make a user come again to your blog. you need to be different

2) try and maintain consistency in your blog posts. Im seeing inconsistent text font and colours being used. It gives a bad and messy impression of your blog and i personally dont like it.

3) there are some punctuation and grammar mistakes, something which i realise can improve only over time. Just try and focus a bit more on improving your content language.


thats all for now.


Ajay Sardesai
Ajay Sardesai
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Dear Aditya ,

Thanks a million for your review of my blog. I am truly indebted for your invaluable suggestions & observations. I will keep them in mind for my future posts .


Thanks & Warm Regards


Ajay Sardesai