Nagendra Kumar would like you to review his/her blog.
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Need Reviews for My Site

Nagendra Kumar
Nagendra Kumar
from bangalore
14 years ago

Dear Friend,

I am a Techie, I am into web development. I am writing and administering  one of my blog   

The Site do contains  articles related to real word problems  which occurs at  developing Apps or sites.

Please  do find some time  and  review it  submit your Feedback.

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: edited title
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
14 years ago

when the page loads, a yellow banner pops up and closes. The text on the banner does not get displayed properly, with some of it getting cut. plus since the banner close by itself, i couldnt read the entire text and hence the entire idea of the banner is lost.

lot of images did not load even after refreshing. the 'no image' notifications dont look good. You should put an image there..

being a tech blog i would have liked to see some new gizmos and gadgets on your blog which were missing. If your a web designer, your skill needs to come out on the blog too, that way people will have more faith in your skill

the dark background looks dull, how about a change?


thats about it.